• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Ich war an einem Gymnasium in BW (lange ist’s her) und wir hatten für die zweite Fremdsprache freie Wahl zwischen Französisch und Latein. Die Empfehlung (aber nicht Pflicht) war, dass man Latein nur wählen sollte, wenn man vor hat, in der Oberstufe das sprachliche Profil und damit noch eine dritte Fremdsprache zu wählen. Als dritte Fremdsprache konnte man dann das wählen, was man nicht als zweite Fremdsprache gewählt hat oder Spanisch. Ich glaube, theoretisch hätte man auch Altgriechisch kriegen können, das hat aber nie jemand gewählt, weil das eigentlich fast nur für angehende Theologen interessant gewesen wäre und die waren dann direkt in der Klosterschule im Nachbarort statt bei uns.

  • Servers not having the same content in their “all” feeds is not a bug, it’s by design. The design philosophy for Mastodon (and I’d say the fediverse as a whole) is to let the users curate their own feeds instead of showing them everything or algorithmically guessing what they might be interested in. Servers will only receive posts from accounts that at least one of this server’s accounts is subscribed to. Having every post federate to every server even if nobody there is interested in those posts would be a waste of resources.

    Yes, that makes discovery of new content significantly harder but that’s the tradeoff for being able to host your own small instance without the need for a super powerful server. I can run my instance that serves just a couple of users on a 10-year-old server that runs a dozen other things at the same time. We see the stuff we’re interested in and don’t have to spend disk space, processing power and network bandwidth on content none of us will ever read and neither do we have to spend those resources on sending our posts to other instances where nobody will read them.

  • They don’t owe you anything. Not sex, not a kiss, not a hug, not a second date, not even a smile. If the date goes well, you will get some or even all of those but if you try to force them, you will get nothing. Sure it can be disappointing if you put in a lot of effort and get nothing back but you will have to live with that. Sometimes people just aren’t compatible and sometimes a date just goes wrong because of a weird coincidence.

    Be nice, even if the date doesn’t go as you wanted. Open communication goes a long way and chances are that the person you’re talking to is just as insecure as you are. Explain (not accuse) why you don’t think this situation will work out. If you’re lucky, you can turn the conversation around. If not, at least you’re ending the date in a civil way. That also (and especially) applies to talking on online dating platforms. Sometimes you can tell just from a conversation that things won’t go anywhere. Way too many people just drop the conversation and move on which can feel pretty rude. Be nice, explain what’s up, give them a friendly goodbye and then move on.

    Those rules apply to both sides. You don’t owe them anything either, especially if they get rude. You should still try to be friendly in case there is a misunderstanding but try to get yourself out of an uncomfortable situation before it gets worse. Your safety is still priority number one.

    Edit: some more

    Don’t expect a relationship to last. Chances are it won’t. But this isn’t as pessimistic of a tip as you might expect. Even a single day of joy can be worth it if you manage your expectations. I’ve had a relationship crash and burn after seven years, I’ve had ones that lasted a couple of months and I’ve had someone ghost me after the second date. And still, all of them gave me amazing memories that I wouldn’t want to miss and they helped me grow as a person. Allow things to grow on their own and enjoy the process. Maybe you will marry that person. Maybe you’ll date them for a few months or years. Maybe you will never get past second base but stay platonic friends. Maybe you will spend the most amazing day of your life with them and then never see them again because you accidentally spilled something over their favorite t-shirt.

  • Sure. I use it as a structured place to keep notes on anything that may be important later, not specifically tasks:

    • Important people in my life (friends and family) with a short bio, where we met, favorite food, allergies, ideas what I could get them for their birthdays, links to their social media profiles, plans for shared vacations, maybe a few photos.
    • Recipes from all kinds of sources. If they are from a video or one of those “scroll past three pages of sentimental nonsense” sites, I summarize them and translate them into German with metric units.
    • Lists with interesting links about 3D printing, software development and so on. Keeping these in a wiki instead of just my browser’s bookmarks list allows me to better categorize them and add notes.
    • A list of open questions and project ideas that I can’t research right now like “Where is the best place to get custom printed LEGO minifigs?” and “Why do the zfs drives in my home server sometimes have problems waking up from sleep?”
    • Lists of interesting products/books/movies/… that I might buy/read/watch/… at some point
    • Some writing stuff: D&D campaigns, short stories, diary-like entries
    • A list of all computers in my household with hardware specs, operating system and so on

    All of those get put into categories and the categories are displayed on the main page via the categorytree plugin. The nice thing about having a wiki is that you have a lot of options for linking or embedding related content while still keeping it somewhat organized.

  • So? What are those reasons?

    • “I don’t like either option”: pick the lesser evil or vote third party
    • “But Harris won’t stop the genocide in Palestine”: neither will Trump.
    • “My vote wouldn’t change anything”: it would. See OP.
    • “I can’t vote because I have to work”: vote by mail. Demand that elections are held on a Sunday or national holiday like in most other western democracies. (As an aside, I wonder why conservatives haven’t pushed for this yet. Voting on a Sunday and setting up polling stations next to churches would probably help them a lot)
    • “I can’t vote because I can’t physically get to a polling station (disabled, sick, too far)”: vote by mail
    • “I can’t vote because my state’s ruling party won’t let me”: you should be furious about this and do anything in your power to change this.

    Did I forget any? Probably. Enough to change the election outcome in the majority of states? Most certainly not.

    Yes, the US have some fucked up rules that make voting hard for some people and for that exact reason urgently need a voting system reform. Make voting easier and make changes that break the two party system.

    Honestly, here in Germany we’re infamous for still using fax machines for half our bureaucracy and even we manage to do it better than you. Here, elections are always on a Sunday when the vast majority of voters has the day off. Every elegible citizen gets a letter a couple of weeks before the election, informing them of their assigned polling station, based on their primary home address. If for any reason you can’t be at your assigned polling station on election day (you work on Sundays, are on vacation, whatever), requesting a mail-in ballot is as easy as going to a website and entering your address and a PIN from the letter. Alternatively you can request one by mail. If for any reason you don’t get that initial letter, figure out which polling station is the correct one for you (usually the closest one; ask your neighbors), show up on election day and show some government-issued ID. Done.