Stares in Debian Testing. (Though I use Bookworm on my laptop, probably soon to be Trixie. Nice thing about Trixie is I’ll no longer have to use the Backports kernel on my Thinkpad and can just stay on the LTS one.)
“Life forms. You precious little lifeforms. You tiny little lifeforms. Where are you?”
- Lt. Cmdr Data, Star Trek: Generations
Stares in Debian Testing. (Though I use Bookworm on my laptop, probably soon to be Trixie. Nice thing about Trixie is I’ll no longer have to use the Backports kernel on my Thinkpad and can just stay on the LTS one.)
Let’s just hope XFCE can finish the transition before then. If not, I am not looking forward to having to shop for a new DE.
I’m not sure about NVIDIA drivers. Otherwise, it depends on what kernel your distro is using; if it’s Debian, there’s a chance you might have problems, though you could install the backports kernel, which I do on my Thinkpad E16.
Picard: “Easy come, easy go, will you let me go.” The entire cube: “We will not, no! We will not let you go.” The Enterprise: “Let him go!”
Also, reminds me of this:
I think part of my Prodigy meme problem was I tried to encode in a bit too high a resolution (720x480). When retesting it today, I had a 49.1 MiB file, verses with a WEBP encoded at quality level 90, I got it down to 3 megabytes while still looking pretty good. I also kept having an issue with APNG white lines that I could never figure out.
Also, the WEBP was a bit larger than that - I wasn’t satisfied with FFMPEG’s default quality level of 75, so I experimented and decided on 97, getting a size of 333.8 KiB.
P.S For funzies, here’s the WEBP version of that Prodigy meme I was talking about (done in 85):
Mostly with posting the APNG - Lemmy doesn’t seem to natively support them in thumbnails. You CAN embed the image in the post and put a different format in the thumbnail, but that sort of beats the purpose. The caveat is you have to set the extension to PNG, or Lemmy won’t accept it.
Also, while single-frame PNGS have an acceptable compression ratios, APNG files start to get large - a dozen or few dozen megabytes. Really, it doesn’t take that much time to load most times, but it’s long enough that people might miss it.
Why do we even bother with data at all? Let’s just not exist - humans greatly increase attack surface.
I think it wasn’t actually Stallman - it’s a common misattribution.
Depends on your hardware and distro. Might not be so bad assuming it’s one of those old Thinkpads. Also, though, if you’re on Debian; they deblob their kernel already and put the blobs in separate packages so they can be optionally used. Don’t install any blobs and you’re good.
It’s mostly a breeze. The only misery I can recall is I remember I had a wonky knockoff Arduino board that kept jumping serial ports, but that was a hardware issue.
Apple should experience bij.
I agree. The only feature where I’d say it’s weaker feature-wise is it doesn’t have any form of virtual GPU acceleration - either you deal with software rendering or have to pass through a graphics card (I’ve done it, but it’s not easy.).
Otherwise, I’d say it tends to run better than VirtualBox, though it’s been years since I last used Vbox anyhow. A plus is Virt Manager comes in most distro repos, whereas VirtualBox doesn’t. Also, it allows you to directly edit the XML, so you can do some cool stuff that would be really annoying (not impossible) to do in VirtualBox.
The larger ones like Worf are $20, which feels pretty typical for that type of collectible.
I don’t know about the smaller ones.
I think what they meant is they choose to assimilate based on the information they know.
That’s why they didn’t assimilate the Kazon (I think that’s cannon, but maybe just a meme), but they didn’t know the issues with Icheb or Future Janeway and it seemed totally safe to assimilate themZ
Depends on which Khitomer - the original accords (probably most notable) were because of the whole Praxis incident.
“And I will see my dream come alive at last / I will touch the sky”
Coolio, but I won’t be using it at least until it hits Debian Testing. Hopefully this can be in Trixie - looks like the freeze hasn’t happened yet.
“His neural engram structures are experiencing rapid total depolarization. Get me the dineurotrocacaline hypospray, quick!”
Man, making up nonsense Treknobabble is fun. 😏
Not necessarily - pavucontrol switched to GTK4, and there are a lot of other applications that I use that are on it as well. If XFCE stays on X11, I wouldn’t be able to run any application that updates to GTK5 (except through some hack like running Weston nested in X, which I used to do when I used Waydroid).