☣️ “There once was a Doctor AJ
Who came onto Twitter to say
It might be alarming
But T cells are harming
So, avoid reinfection, OK?” - @LeonardiBot

⚠ I boost a lot of art, photography, and anticapitalist points of view, and write posts about covid* and systemic violence that may not have content warnings (*https://open-source-eschaton.net/@currentbias/tagged/covid)

📓 https://justmytoots.com/@currentbias@open-source-eschaton.net

📈 356 ppm (1992) 🔥🛢️🇺🇲 :blobsars: 🎉🔥

:nbheart: they/themself/theirs

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2022
