If you read it backwards its American… so no improvement.
I’m surprised to see several midwestern and northeastern states considered to be somewhat of a climate haven show up repeatedly, and it makes me wonder what other non-climate effects (e.g. financial, legislative) may be at play as well.
Looks like JPEG compression can be added to the list of the void’s natural enemies. Not that a void would care, they’re too fantabulous. 😅🤩
This doesn’t deserve to be so clever. Ugh. compunctious grin
More likely though it’s a normal turner inside, and she just has her keys ready to lock the deadbolt from the outside. That’s how our apartment is.
I had to go into a partial psych care program because I literally was only eating like 1 meal a day, I was very underweight, and it was making the depression really bad because my body had nothing to work with. Even when the ADHD med wore off I had so little energy that I didn’t want to find food before bed. The psychiatrist ended up switching me from Vyvanse back to Adderall, and then a month later lowering my dosage of Adderall from 30mg to 20mg. I definitely feel like my ADHD is harder to manage, but it seems to be the happiest medium I’ve found for the moment.
For desktop, I’ve liked Lato, Source Sans Pro, and Inter to name three.
For terminal, I used Iosevka’s customizer to create a gorgeous Fira Mono-like variant that I call Iosevka Firesque:
family = "Iosevka Firesque"
spacing = "term"
serifs = "sans"
noCvSs = true
exportGlyphNames = false
inherits = "ss05"
capital-g = "toothless-corner-serifless-hooked"
capital-q = "crossing-baseline"
g = "single-storey-serifed"
long-s = "bent-hook-tailed"
cyrl-a = "single-storey-earless-corner-serifed"
cyrl-ve = "standard-interrupted-serifless"
cyrl-capital-ze = "unilateral-serifed"
cyrl-ze = "unilateral-serifed"
cyrl-capital-en = "top-left-bottom-right-serifed"
cyrl-en = "top-left-bottom-right-serifed"
cyrl-capital-er = "open-serifless"
cyrl-er = "earless-corner-serifless"
cyrl-capital-u = "cursive-flat-hook-serifless"
cyrl-u = "curly-motion-serifed"
cyrl-capital-e = "unilateral-bottom-serifed"
cyrl-e = "unilateral-bottom-serifed"
brace = "straight"
ampersand = "upper-open"
at = "threefold"
cent = "open"
He did not say to give all of your money to them though. He said to give the Romans just the portion that is owed them (and by extension, to anyone you owe money to).
If it helps, I don’t think any worse of you because you got the definition of a word confused, even if it hasn’t changed since it was inherited from Germanic prior to the 12th century. We could probs still be friends barring any major personality conflicts. 🙃
the surface of the earth that is not covered by water
Land is the part of the world that consists of ground, rather than sea or air.
the surface of the earth that is not sea
The solid portion of the earth’s surface, as opposed to sea, water
And finally, the one you quoted:
a. the solid part of the surface of the earth
b. ground or soil of a specified situation, nature, or quality (dry land)
Yes. It is part of the surface, but it is not “land” by the common definition.
There’s a difference between the earth’s land and the earth’s surface.
The way caffeine works is that it blocks the receptors in the brain for adenosine, which is responsible for slowing down the neurons in your brain, making you feel sleepy. It also causes the release of adrenaline, which is a stimulant and thus can help ADHD brains focus. Additionally, it makes your blood vessels (especially in your brain) constrict, which can make other stimulants take effect faster. As if that weren’t enough, it also slows dopamine reabsorption, which feels rewarding (the major contributor to caffeine addiction).
These are the upsides, but caffeine comes with serious downsides if you use it regularly (i.e. more than twice a week). In particular, it seriously inhibits your ability to get truly deep, restorative sleep, even if you only have it in the morning.
Tl;dr: It can make you feel more awake, but it can’t replenish your energy stores. It basically puts a pin below the needle of your mental fuel gauge so it can’t drop below half a tank, but doesn’t actually fill the tank.
Read more in this fantastic piece: https://science.howstuffworks.com/caffeine.htm
Even more unfortunately that just makes me want to squoosh him more. 😅
Fwiw, you can change the shortcuts for nano in your ~/.nanorc
. Most of mine are the same as standard desktop editors, except undo is Ctrl+U because Ctrl+Z is commonly bound to suspend, and quit is Alt+Q instead of Ctrl+Q because in browser window terminals (e.g. Unraid) Ctrl+Q usually closes the whole browser (oof).
Now that is the definition of friend-shaped if I’ve ever seen it. 🤩☺️
That would require all (or at least a critical majority) of the manufacturers of such vehicles to implement a standardized form factor, which isn’t going to happen short of legislative action. (I mean sure, they’re almost entirely just 18650 cells at their core, but swapping individual cells is hardly practical or safe for average end users.)
I don’t feel like you can rank all of these on the same level, they aim to solve different problems in different contexts.
I’m not going to walk across the country, I’m going to take a train if possible, or a plane if the trains don’t exist or I’m on a really tight schedule. But I won’t take a train, a plane, or even a bus to go a couple blocks to the corner store, I’ll walk. If it’s storming, however, I might take the bus or a tram despite the short distance and the wait for it to show up.
If I’m going eight blocks to a doctor’s appointment and it’s nice out, I might bike, unless it’s raining literal cats and dogs, because then I’ll absolutely leave super extra early and walk so I can pet each and every one of them on the way (and still be late, because priorities).
If I’m going to visit a nearby city, I might take a train or a bus, but if I’m moving to a nearby city, I’m going to rent a moving truck and drive. It’s all contextual.
I feel like this is screaming for proper PID controller logic. I like this one, installable from HACS.