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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Now for extra fun: consider how different the attacks would be if Kamala Harris were a male candidate, with all other factors as close as possible (age, race, background, etc.)

    You wouldn’t be hearing about how he “slept his way” to the top. You wouldn’t be hearing about how his “handlers” had to feed him information because he isn’t capable of debating on his own without prompting. You’d still be hearing a bunch of bullshit, to be sure, but it would be different bullshit.

    The next time someone on the right tries to deflect or muddy the water with “bUt caN You eVeN giVe a sPecIfic eXampLe AboUt hOw tHe RePubLican party / MAGA / Trump Is seXiSt?”, all you must do is point to the kinds of lies they naturally fell into about Kamala Harris.

    What those higher up in the party think of women, and what the rest have chosen to align themselves to, is on full display.

  • The US has a problem of representation. Specifically and especially since the Citizens United decision, corporate interests can easily flow money towards politicians to make them do just about anything they want. This exacerbated an existing problem with the corporate tax rate and has now brought it into laughably low territory.

    That’s all an oversimplification of course, but it’s not that Americans haven’t “figured it out”. It is far more complicated than that.

  • I don’t see YT being replaced in that sense any time soon. Federated text and image content is really still in infancy, and video hosting at the size of YT is a tremendously more complex feat, requiring, at the absolute minimum: a metric crapton of bandwidth and storage.

    For me, I just use invidious and similar for the foreseeable future, or peertube when there are things on it.

    At the very least, not being signed in to YT and having only a local watch history and subscriptions (=not on a YT or Google account) does starve the algorithm a bit.