So even further from what the rest of us might see as liberal?
So even further from what the rest of us might see as liberal?
It’s much better imo. I don’t really block at all but I like to tag people so I know in the future when they come up to hold their comment with less weight
There are two things this person was suggesting:
ban women from getting married after the age of 25
That’s really fucked up, I’m sorry. Especially because it’s an informed decision.
…there’s a lot to unpack here
Is that helpful though? Isn’t that the same as everyone registering at
TOKYO: The leader of a Japanese conservative party has apologised for saying the solution to the nation’s population crisis would be to ban women from getting married after the age of 25 and have their uteruses removed at 30.
Feels like kinda burying the lede here.
Maybe there aren’t any heirs. Or they’re across the country, or it doesn’t go with their decor. Etc.
So now I join the ranks calling Pelosi bitch?
Posting a link works the same way, just leave out the “!”.
And that’s always been bs. But at least then I can get tmy seats online and show up “late”
That’s up to each instance admin to decide.
Have you reported it?
Edit : before making this meme I mean
I’m anti nazi
Hearing loss can be more subtle than that. Could just be certain frequencies (or a range) that are being lost. Human speech doesn’t get that high.
Please get a hearing test. Or if you have a Samsung try the built in one.
Edit: if doing the phone method try with good balanced (flat) headphones/buds in a quiet room. Get a professional test nonetheless.
You can upload images from your device or embed one from a url like so ![link text here](img url here)
Guess I’ve hit an early midlife crisis, huh.
Either that or it’s right on time…
The word “legit” has various casual meanings which makes it unclear without context. I understood but I can see why people wouldn’t group “legit checking” together.
Fat tigers are sad