In what world isn’t it?
In what world isn’t it?
The DoE is already under attack. It’s part of Project 2025, and they’re laying the groundwork for it already. They’re going to work hard to ensure education is difficult to access and/or neutralized as much as possible.
Racism is inescapable. I’m more interested in things like not for profit health care, social safety nets, public education, and in general, government that isn’t solely focused on maintaining infinite growth for corporations and a few wealthy individuals.
Eh, lofty words. Your best bet is to move. This isn’t like the old civil war times. Most people want this, apparently.
They are choosing it because Theo Von / Shane Gillis / Tony Hinchcilff / Dana White / Joe Rogan / UFC / Russian propaganda / random MAGA streamers.
This election has shown me that my values aren’t compatible with most other Americans, and that is very hard to understand. I’m looking for the best alternative.
Let me clarify my statement: America is over. There is nothing worth getting hurt over. Most people here seem to want what is to come. I’m planning to cut my losses if it starts coming to fruition and move somewhere more progressive.
Hispanics were a big factor in electing him. They’ll get what they get.
There’s nothing worth rioting for.
Jesus Christ. Someday that woman will be able to speak freely. The things I imagine she’ll say…
Put them on M365 or Google Workspace. Do not buy a server.
I’m sorry but humans refusing to save the life of another human because of an obtuse law is unconscionable. They should have done what needed to be done and let the lawyers sort it out later.
And I would argue that explaining why people dont like the usage of “this” is not more useful than people writing “this” because of the Streisand effect we’ve witnessed and that you and I have now created is even more detrimental to a thread because it creates a distraction from the original topic. We now have a subtopic competing for brain cycles that clearly adds no value and is likely making us all stupider.
I award us no points, and may God have mercy on our souls.
Writing “Writing just “this” adds nothing to the discussion” adds nothing to the discussion.
People who didn’t grow up in the pacific NW:
The main thing that gives X relevance is sports media and corporate communications. If they all move elsewhere, X would turn into an echo chamber like Truth Social.
What new level of hell is this?
What policies of Barack Obama do you think contributed to this?
Do you believe the president actually has a role in determining whether black people can achieve home ownership?
The article described the hackers having access to what’s called Lawful Intercept capabilities. In the telecom equipment I’ve worked with, this takes the form of voice call tapping, full packet capture of data, or just a capture of connections made.
If they had unfettered access to this functionality, they could have spied on anyone at length. Government officials, C suite people at companies…anyone.
Fake tits = medically necessary
Vision restoration = cosmetic