Oh shit, sadam is that you?
Oh shit, sadam is that you?
Haters will say it’s because of the election coming up
Trump got that post nut clarity and realized he slept with Billy the puppet from saw lolol
He’s such a good Christian man, doesn’t cheat on his wife or do weird shit with his kid either 😍
Too bad those columbine shitfucks started this trend. I wonder if we’d have this problem if that never happened. It was probably only a matter of time. Anyways, fuck this reality, more pointless deaths because ‘muh guns’.
… who had sex with the ice cream machine!?
Yea, I was born in 90 so I didn’t even have it as bad as people born before that. In the 90s so many places let you smoke inside, so a ton of stuff smelled like musty old cigarettes lol.
+a lingering smell of cigarette smoke
Official acts, baby! Just wait, maybe we get a monopoly scam like the McDonalds one if he wins the presidency :)
Rules for thee, not for the oligarchs.
Yea that’s why say, just as annoying. Which I guess for the PC illiterate registry edits are more dangerous?
I personally moved off google about 2 years ago (started using start page as well) and haven’t looked back.
At this rate people should just cut the cord with google. Modifying reg files is almost as annoying as moving bookmarks over. Firefox + uBlock + pihole (if you’re feeling ambitious/want to block other crap that’s non-browser related) and you’re chillin.
Oh shit that’s cool, maybe the US should send them another billion for creative thinking. Disgusting.
In post Soviet Russia, Ukraine invades you
Ah yes, the industry first MaaS. What will they think of next. nuclear facepalm
Yea, my crashes were either watchdog BSODs, or nvldkkm (nvidia). So diagnosing the issue was super difficult, the CPU is the last thing I think of unless there’s some evidence of it failing :).
I also got to experience a cable mod adapter burn a 4090… Zotac replaced the card thank god. I’m a walking billboard of what went wrong in the last 2 years with components lol.
Anyhow I hope we all get a refund. My PC is my main hobby so having instability caused a ton of frustration and anguish.
Went 13th -> 14th very early in both’s launch cycles because of chronic crashing. After about swapping mobo, RAM and SSDs i finally swapped to AMD and my build from late 2022 is FINALLY stable. Wendell’s video was the catalyst to jump ship. I thought I was going crazy, but yea… it was intel
I had to put my Intel NIC in a 1gb duplex due to it crashing at anything higher :)
I thought this said cow for a second. It lead to some funny thoughts
I was gunna say, was the choice to go there before or after? Does he have a history of head trauma? Lololol