on this point…
I heard from someone in my local area that it’s getting to the point where people don’t even know how to use a mouse and keyboard.
this is the iPad generation…
certified woman
on this point…
I heard from someone in my local area that it’s getting to the point where people don’t even know how to use a mouse and keyboard.
this is the iPad generation…
reasonable response tbh
better yet, the restaurant industry in America. you get mentally tortured while living on 2 cents an hour
yeah sure, happy teams start with jira but they end up as angry and sad teams
religion being a cancer on this world example #9636472614364
I switched to using tiberius
bit different but not too hard don’t have my code on hand atm but this is how I started with it
let mut config = Config::new();
config.authentication(tiberius::AuthMethod::sql_server("your_username", "your_password"));
let tcp = TcpStream::connect(config.get_addr()).await?;
let mut client = Client::connect(config, tcp.compat_write()).await?;
then I did something along the lines of
fn main() {
let stream = client.query(&query, &[]).await?;
let rows = stream.into_first_result().await?;
let db_data: Vec<MyObject> = rows.into_iter().map(mapping_function_i_made_for_myobject).collect();
fn mapping_function_i_made_for_myobject(row: Row) -> MyObject {
MyObject {
my_date_field: row.get::<NaiveDateTime, _>("my_date_field").map(|dt| Local.from_local_datetime(&dt).unwrap()),
just started out rust and made a massive thing with sqlx only to find out the latest versions don’t have mssql support anymore and the last version that did doesn’t support decoding DateTime<Utc> 😭😭😭
had to rewrite the whole thing again with Tiberius, painful yet educational
certificates fucking destroy everything in my work for an hour once every year because of expiry
I don’t get the appeal of azure because of things like this.
annoying how much they try to push it
‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens
oh look they care about it now it’s affecting them
“waaaaah please give us exemption so we can profit off of stolen works waaaaaaaahhhhhh”
vertical tabs reinforce this delusion in me
it shouldn’t have taken this long…
You can find utterly vile replies from blue checks on that site now, even on the most heavenly, innocent, morally correct tweet. It’s insane.
dupe comment probably from internet issue or something just letting u know
that whole movement is so funny to me, like they tried to move to a different beer after bud light did a harmless advertisement and their replacement WAS FROM THE SAME PARENT COMPANY
arnold schwarze-WINNER