You can open a project in C++ to create the structure of a custom game. You put one child to work on blender or pixelart software, and another child to compile variables and functions. If you have more than two children, you can also consider assigning a third to animation and a fourth to creating music and sounds.
No one talked about restrictions, just common sense. A smart person will always realize that smoking or vaping doesn’t make sense, that there are no positive aspects, that all the qualities they’d like to associate with are idiocy, to give something toxic a positive aspect. An evolved society must bury these trivia.
I don’t doubt it’s growing, but I think it’s the classic temporary trend, a huge growth with an equally huge fall. Vape is harmful, something to be left to itself, there aren’t many excuses that hold.
Vaping is the next to fall, another unhealthy activity that become less cooler year after year.
Intanto l’Italia sta andando avanti con gli immigrati. È tutto programmato, forza lavoro a costo zero. Questi piagnistei sono lacrime di coccodrillo per far soldi e sopratutto far contento l’elettore razzista medio che appena vede la pelle scura va in brodo di giuggiole e diventa come il duce.