Yeah, that’s on me. I didn’t read the sidebar and assumed a community named similarly to “askreddit” would require posts to have questions
Yeah, that’s on me. I didn’t read the sidebar and assumed a community named similarly to “askreddit” would require posts to have questions
I’ve been eyeing Graphene for a while now but I’m not really a tech person. I fumbled my way through installing and doing basic tweaks on Linux Mint but I don’t know the first thing about coding or programming. Is that kind of knowledge a must for this OS or is it more dummy friendly? And what’s a good cheap phone to grab to start messing with it and getting familiar, do you have any recommendations on that front?
JustWatch has some choices, I’d be partial to Pluto unless you wanna rent/buy it
My dad’s the same way, he hasn’t pleaded with me about my vote but that may only be because I don’t talk to him.
Have you seen “The Brainwashing of My Dad”? I think that’s what it’s called, a friend recommended it to me and I need to make some time for it, sounds like it covers the impact of garbage like fox news on old men
I grew up in the eastern half as well and they’ve talked about that merger for decades, seems it’s little more than another talking point to keep people angry and give them another thing to be complain about regarding all those godless communist child-eating liberal coasties
Turns out I can unmute my phone when I realize it’s a person I want to talk to. It’s just crazy how tech has improved over the years
I answer unknown calls and then immediately mute my mic. Most of the time it’s a bot that might call back once more, occasionally it’s somebody that gets an explanation of why i just made things weird. been doung that for years and now I only get spam calls maybe once or twice a month tops, if even that much
I installed Mint this past spring and fiddled around with it briefly every once in a while but I’m not a tech guy so there was a little bit of a learning curve on stuff like getting a second monitor to work, stuff like that. I’m sure you’ve already found out that there’s TONS of documentation and forums for questions, it’s just a matter of feeling kinda dumb for a little while as you troubleshoot. I switched over to Mint full time a few months ago and haven’t looked back. I’ve still got Win10 on an extra hard drive just in case but I think more and more of reclaiming that space for Steam now, I don’t miss Windows at all
This is something the wife and I have looked at doing for our next house but is clover less resilient to dogs than grass? We were figuring on natural stuff for the front yard but keeping grass in the majority of the backyard because of our pets
I upgraded mine but haven’t talked to the wife about including her yet because the family plan is for up to 6 so it’d be cheaper to just buy two individual subscriptions, she doesn’t really care enough to justify that much extra cost. Hopefully Proton adds another plan or two for groups!
This is what I’d do as well, paint will be a lot less effort and a whole lot easier to touch up as it gets used. Plus the kid can paint their own patterns or emblems or logos or whatever on it
Same. If it were just up to the wife and I we would’ve simply gone to the courthouse and signed some stuff but we decided on a ceremony because it was “important to our families” and did things more traditionally than if it were only the two of us. We would’ve had a lot more fun with the whole thing if we could have just realized that the day was for us and about us and should’ve been done our way.
It’s both fun and frustrating learning how to operate it.
This should be emblazoned somewhere in the initial Linux setup. I’m not in tech by trade, just a hobbyist nerd, and playing with Linux is like if a soulslike game were an OS. I had a terrible time figuring out how to get both monitors to work but eventually did and that felt like a huge win when it finally happened. Had an equally bad time trying to figure out how to install some game software but finally got that sorted and it felt like another big victory. But I still dual boot for now because some days I’m just not ready for the heartburn of dealing with my own ignorance in Linux
Steam’s been fantastic! Problem for me is that some of the games aren’t on there. If there’s a way to download those somewhere and run them through Steam that’d be incredible. I didn’t even think to consider searching around for that possibility. I’ve seen people run Diablo 4 on their Decks so it’s clearly possible, I’m just still learning how to troubleshoot Linux and I’m trying to be extra careful since their OS doesn’t have much in the way of guardrails to prevent dummies from nuking themselves
This has been exactly my stance as well apart from ever having used Win11. Never did and never plan to, downloaded Mint a few months ago to start getting familiar with it. Turns out I’m not real great at technical stuff but I’m getting there. Dual monitors was kind of a booger and now I’m trying to figure out how to install some games since Bottles is being a real wiener about Battle.Net. I’m glad there’s so many resources and forums out there but I still hope some version of Linux gets dumbed down a little more before Win10 sunsets to make the transition easier for us blue collar folk
First you should edit the title so it makes sense, then you could try clamping a sacrificial board (MDF, 1/4", dimensional, whatever’s easiest) beneath and running the drill faster but moving slower. You might even try just going back to trying tape but changing your drilling method just to see if that improves anything before killing another piece of wood
Gorgeous. How did you do the glue up? I showed my wife and told her I could make the cuts and glue everything if she wanted to set up the pattern. I don’t have an eye for that kind of stuff like she does What I’ve seen others do is glue up smaller (2x2) blocks, then glue those together, then glue those bigger chunks together until it’s all one piece. Was that your approach? I’ve done standard cutting boards so an end grain one is next on my list