Probably. They’d just use it to justify taking Taiwan.
Probably. They’d just use it to justify taking Taiwan.
And they should pay for every book they stole :)
China as well as Russia are against it unless it has changed.
Rust based is not a feature it is a slogan. Yay is the defacto standard and also actively developed. That being said use whatever works for you and AUR.
Is it any good?
Oh that is mildly interesting, my mistake. So the actual commits didn’t change but the pull requests are made to look like they are something else.
Hacked pipeline? These are just pull requests anyone can submit them.
What expected problems did podman end up surorising you with? Is the software more stable and not constantly updated like docker? I want to move to podman at some point as well and I understand for a lot of cases it is just “drop in” but I run a lot of containers and I’m skeptical it’ll be that simple.
Especially with software distros like home assistant and matrix both explicitly pushing you to official docker due to some features.
Thanks. I was wondering if there was internal strife or if it was just the dems spitting in the wind. The former would have more hope of action being taken.
Trump is listening.
Down votes be damned, you are right to call out the parent they clearly dont articulate their point in a way that confirms they actually understand what is going on and how an open source model can still have privacy implications if the masses use the company’s hosted version.
Isn’t that the wrong use of evacuated? The plane was evacuated not the people otherwise that’d be pretty messy? English pedants rise up and confirm.
You aren’t wrong but leaving out the bit about how much Europe has benefitted from the USA’s military machine is sorta disingenous.
Hahahhaah. If they are so desperate they are trying to knock off the 10 or so users on Firefox they must really be in dire straights.
You must mean Ketamine Karen :D
Or let’s investigate claims and identify the truth?
Yes please. Free the education.
Sounds like either a terrible bug or user error. Which in both cases should be fixed.
Sure unless you want to use AUR and now what do they recommend?