I truly believe WW3 has already begun. The big question is what side the US will end up on.
I truly believe WW3 has already begun. The big question is what side the US will end up on.
Sleeping Dogs was at one point a sequel to this game (although it didn’t start its life as one)
Can’t fucking sleep
But Putin is sexy and I hate the gays!
Green Mario Big Eater
Their continued existence in this country is dependent on being employed. They will do what is asked of them. They have little choice.
There isn’t a shortage of US skilled labor.
The effects of his flight caused physiological stress on his body causing him to wildly hallucinate and pretend to fuck salamander Kathy.
Breaking warp 10?
Let somebody else be the Nazis for once Germany. It’s the US’s turn.
I’m not sure I get the gist of your argument
Cool. Let them use their hardware the way they want.
They are still racist they just don’t care about poor people whatever the color of their skin
The USA isn’t the only America nor the only United States. Maybe when the government collapses we can come up with a better name.
You didn’t notice the other red text? or the word “fromage”?
Good things are happening for you?
You can’t fire your owner.
The major sites removed content from unverified users and a lot of homemade stuff was removed. The problematic part being with being unverified it was impossible to determine if the depicted parties consented to having their videos shared.
Is that what antioxygens do?
deleted by creator