Well, yeah. Posters actually put in effort. Commenters are lazy people who just shit out their terrible opinions.
Well, yeah. Posters actually put in effort. Commenters are lazy people who just shit out their terrible opinions.
If you’re looking for purity, you’re going to fail every time.
How to be an insufferable cunt in 1 easy step!
How to dismiss a discussion you don’t like the direction of in one easy step!
Do you have anything meaningful to add, or just want to call people names because they’re not immediately agreeing with everything you say?
They were, yes.
See? Another similarity.
It was definitely a reaction to living under an authoritarian regime. The problem was that the reaction wasn’t “I don’t want this to ever happen again”, it was “I want to be the one in charge”.
Well one is a basic biological process, the other is something we made up to entertain ourselves and accumulate power.
The problem being that it wasn’t the exact opposite. In fact, they had a lot of things in common. The leaders of both being self-interested megalomaniacs who desired control of all things around them.
Its not the main reason they do it.
More money is, of course, nice for them. But that doesn’t mean it’s their main reason. We can ascribe all sorts of benevolent reasoning to politicians, but reality often disagrees.
It’s a regressive policy made as a reaction, and not an action, and thus inherently destructive.
That’s the excuse they give, yes. That doesn’t mean it’s why they do it, though.
Just because someone enjoys something doesn’t mean it can’t be damaging in the long term.
I’m sure recreational heroin is probably pretty fun… to start with.
And here I have to pay more to register my hybrid.
Different dictionary’s word of the year, I think.
I’ve always seen most of Baron-Cohen’s stuff as satire for people who hate subtlety and want to feel superior to others.
Actually in ancient etruscan…
Would the people who have to deal with hardware not be… where the hardware is? They seem to be sitting in random places.
Seems pretty obvious it’s marketing, not reality, though.
Felis Catus is your taxonomic nomenclature…
Going to the store means going outside and dealing with people.
At that point just get your teeth removed and buy dentures.
… cause you died and thus aren’t using it anymore.
Yeah, it signals to every both sider that they were right all along, and all the people they’ve been prosthelytizing to might actually start believing them.
If you want to be on the side of democracy, you don’t just decide to stop being democratic unless you’ve given up.
You’re not going to solve anything by playing by their rules, you’re only going to galvanize them. They are the party of “government doesn’t work”, doing this just gives them more ammo.
It was mostly curmudgeonly humor, but really it does take less effort in general to make comments than it does to make posts. So it would make sense that it would see less of a dip when people are busy. It’s easy to just jump on and make a few comments or participate in a discussion than to put the effort into making a post of some kind.
It really depends on the kind of person, though. I’d imagine some people find it easier to provide content than to comment on it or respond to others doing so.