Fucking insane that SCOTUS let this criminal blowhard run again in defiance of the constitution.
Proud anti-fascist & bird-person
Fucking insane that SCOTUS let this criminal blowhard run again in defiance of the constitution.
The whole idea of parading suspects in front of the media is a mockery of the principle.
Fuck the NYPD.
The federal government is only one locus of power; they have the majority in many State legislatures.
Liberals and appeasement go together like chocolate and peanut butter.
Solidarity is all that keeps reactionaries from taking over.
When your business model is an engine that creates desperate people with nothing to lose, you have to expect something like this.
Oof, thanks for the warning. I was wondering if I should stain him, I think I will.
I’m sure Academie (or whatever they’re calling Blackwater these days) and the Pinkertons are about to see a lot of new business.
I’m not sure I’d recommend the set that I got; it was pretty cheap, but I wanted to try a bunch of styles like whittling and chip carving. I’ll get good versions of what I like.
The guy in the tutorial I used recommended a 1.5 in (4 cm) bench knife.
You should definitely get into it though! It’s a lot of fun so far. Get gloves for sure.
Exactly why Republicans hate her so much.
No worries, we’re all commenting here because it’s outrageous. I’m right there with you.
Right, I was saying that even the legal maximum allowance was already cruel and now they’ve almost tripled it.
90 days is still torturing someone for three months straight.
I like the texture of the cloth.
The Texas Observer is maybe the best paper in the State.
STOP! You’ve violated the law! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence. Your stolen goods are now forfeit.
Very nice! Giant robots are always a great subject.
Ooh, then he got the satisfying little ping sound at the end of the clips!
If it makes you feel better, I’ve felt significantly dumber since I wrote the phrase “Woke Mind Virus.”
Because reactionaries are inherently cowards— it’s the entire reason behind their worldview.
Afraid of society changing, so their bigotry isn’t as acceptable. Afraid of minorities being more competent than them and outcompeting them. Afraid of being ostracized for their beliefs. Afraid of using the apparatus of the state to improve people’s lives. Afraid of fake conspiracies and false-flags. Afraid of immigrants. Afraid of anything different and non-conforming. Afraid of non-compliance, afraid of checks-and-balances, afraid of the press, and of the freedoms that others enjoy. Afraid of alternate religions and worldviews, afraid of being laughed at by women. Afraid of other people’s self-determination and agency.
And they’re terrified of progress.
What is your budget?