Your Tap water being dirty is Not an Option? When they chlorine it, there’s certainly a need to get it Clean from e.g. the Pipes or other contaminants
Your Tap water being dirty is Not an Option? When they chlorine it, there’s certainly a need to get it Clean from e.g. the Pipes or other contaminants
Every year since the Release of the original Kingsmann movie i start to think more and more, that this movies villain Idea wasnt so bad at all. Except for his “let those live who can afford it” vibes, fuck that.
Haha, u kidding?
They will improve with authoritarians, where Trump can personally benefit from.
For everyone else it will worsen and set global policies back by at least one decade.
So basically “how to speedrun dictatorship”
I think, its time to get even with them. Just deploy some NATO member Staates troops to Ukraine. I guess Putin wont be complaining too much about it
Yeah no, Windows 11 IS far worse than (current) Windows 10
Great Job dissecting my comment.
Sure, you are right about the nuclear Fallout part, but a nuclear Catastrophe (or incident) like Fukushima, Chernobyl Happens, has the Same issue. You dont have any risk mitigation strategy available at large against it.
Yeah no, you cannot compare nuclear Fallout to airplanes flying down. At least Not from a risk Assessment and Management Level. From the nuclear Fallout you cannot prepare against it, when it Happens you are fucked (AS a country). From a airplane crashing you can prepare against that, as the severity aint that Bad regardless who sits inside (be it President, chancellor, CEO, other important person), for a functioning society its not that important as there are other people taking over that Helm. But when nuclear Fallout Happens, your whole people will fall ill to it, ceasing your society to exist. So it is only proper risk mitigation to end the use of all nuclear plants.
Den Punkt würde ich auch bezweifeln, als ich letztes Jahr zur Nacht der Wissenschaft am Fraunhofer war, hieß es, dass DE mit die meisten Batterieinnovationen gestaltet. Es wird nur nicht zur Serienreifen gebracht, weil sich die Deutschen Hersteller null für interessieren.
Die Hersteller müssten nur ernsthaft investieren in den Aufbau in Europa statt alles F&E in dem Bereich nach Fernost zu verlagern
Goddammit, that headline, Missing commas really stirr this Up. headline should be “Berlin to bail Out shipyard, key to offshore Wind ambitions.”
First thought: e pluribus anus
Not in Europe. I too have owned Fidelity funds at one Point.
Yeah, pretty much that. Just because those Staates have banned it in administrative formal writing, this is in no Case a generalization for Germany. Just “Freistaat” doing their Thing as opposed to the other.
Also as a Note, that “Verein” has in no Case any inflouence over the course of education, as that is governed* by the “Gesellschaft” as mentioned.
*As in giving recommendations
Well, Sure, my Point is also still valid everything is political in this reality we live in
What Takes you to assume, that russia would Broadcast the olympics at all (or uncensored) even when russian athletes would be competing.
In a ideal world, yes, politics should Not Play any part in Sports, nor in sciences. Hence it is, as we are not living in that world, so we would have to adjust accordingly.
Well great thing. What will this mean to the Kaliningrad Region of Russia. As it is not directly connected to Russia and landlocked by Lithuania and Poland.
Wen soll die SPD verraten haben? Ich weiß jetzt nicht, auf was du dich beziehst, den Koalitionsvertrag, irgendein Ereignis?