Either Soulseek (Which still manages to be my one-stop shop for this kind of thing) or forums, but you’d have to find an active forum related to that niche. For example there’s Squidboard for game and anime soundtracks
wiki_user: ZTetriminos
Either Soulseek (Which still manages to be my one-stop shop for this kind of thing) or forums, but you’d have to find an active forum related to that niche. For example there’s Squidboard for game and anime soundtracks
Guess I will just use waifu2x then, thanks
Always worked for me, high res and all… The issue is only with Shutterstock, alamy etc are still working fine
Telegram is the best place for it, imo. You start from the surface in public groups and channels, then search the group messages and pay attention to where the forwarded messages and links come from. Just keep digging deeper.
A lot of good groups got nuked this year, tho. It’s not that common but still happens. They always return, just keep an eye for info in public channels.
ProstoPleer! Russian website with direct mp3 downloads and uploads, playlist creation and sharing, just like the old GrooveShark. I was lucky that I made a backup of all my playlists 2 months before it happened.