Like (current) EVs. They just ain’t there yet.
Like (current) EVs. They just ain’t there yet.
I would second the Mr Tuffy Liners. I run them in my electric fat bike and have never had a puncture over the course of 4000 miles.
You only buy them once and just keep reusing them.
Don’t worry, you can still fart on it.
So what does BLM stand for again?
You’ve just offended the Jamaican guy who doesn’t have US citizenship.
Honestly, children should probably be raised by the state anyways. You just don’t know who’s anti-science or indoctrinated with misinformation anymore these days.
BuT tHeY’rE sO WeIrD tHoUgH!
Shoulda bought a bigger truck.
I laugh at your decadent Western technology!
Not to mention this would only set you back about $20k assuming it has less than 200k miles on it!
And a dollar costs about tree fiddy!
Hate to break it to you but that’s not how social security works. The money you pay in now is used to pay for the benefits of the currently retired. It is not an investment fund that you are paying into with a guarantee of payments when you retire.
This is why they don’t have to worry about school shootings; Ukraine actually arms and trains their teachers.
About breathing? I’m just not that into it.
Move along, nothing to see here.
This is fish the they chose?
So babies that were previously aborted that weren’t counted in the infant mortality rate are now dying after birth and are counted in the infant mortality rate.
Either way, it’s the same number of dead babies.
What do you know, MAGA was right, Fetterman was not mentally fit to be a Senator.