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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • In the past I had to upgrade my PC every 4 years (my first PC run on Windows 3.1), but my last one just works and even the GPU only fell out of minimum requirements of the newest and graphical shiny games end of last year (it even managed to run Starfield although it looked bad and lagged in cities terribly), but my backlog is huge, so I don’t care and if I care I can use Geforce Now or Game Pass for PC and stream that one game I can not play on my rig directly anymore.

    Our planet is on fire and consuming less is the only actual solution to that. Everything got more expensive. I literally don’t want to spent a lot of money on a PC that I do not need, because the one I have plays the games I want to play just fine (currently Dave the Diver) and on top throw a perfectly fine machine away, add to CO2 production and need to cut back on other needs I have because everything is so expensive.

    My machine is an i7-6700K 4GHz with a GTX 970 and 16 GB DDR 4. And the only reason this is not working with Windows 11 is the CPU and upgrading that would need a new board and at that point I need a new PC. Oh and I tested it at the beginning when Windows 11 came out, I can circumvent the restriction and install Windows 11 anyway, it’s just not guaranteed it will stay working and getting upgrades can be a hassle, but at least for the time I tried it I did get automated updates.

    I do not hate Windows, I tried to get Windows 11, I just don’t want to accept that a security feature for businesses makes my consumer PC invalid for it. I am a gamer and I would like to stay with Windows, but I am not buying a new PC unless a vital part of my old one breaks. I rather stay with an unpatched system and do anything that needs security on my phone/tablet on android. And no, I am 58 y.o. and I am not learning Linux, maybe if I were interested in the Steam handheld it would make sense, but I am not.

  • The recent jump in US productivity comes after a massive fiscal stimulus centred on green industry

    And the way they do it is by creating jobs in an industry that’s important for our all future.

    Others have explained why “productivity” is not the one and all messurement on how well a country /Europe does, but that Europe desperately needs to put money into their hands to get jobs in the green industry going, especially Germany, is definitely true. The Biden government made a huge effort creating these jobs, the question is if it isn’t just going down hill from here with that after the next election.

  • When I was taught about the ‘wage-price spiral’ at school, I asked the teacher why it wasn’t called the ‘price-wage spiral’, because at home my parents only ever talked about the need for higher wages when prices went up, and the teacher said: “Because your books about it weren’t written by the unions, but by industry.”

    “Some combination of moderation in pay pressures and firms’ margins will be required for services inflation to return to more normal rates,” she said.

    Let’s only talk about the wages and not the margins, right? And of course do not at all talk about big business and extremely rich people not paying taxes on the money their workers have made while not getting paid properly.

  • There is no reason to discuss pensions as long as the super-rich don’t pay taxes. The pension funds and every other social fund could be filled to the brim with even slightly higher taxes and they wouldn’t even notice anything missing. They would stay bloody rich.

    We have been getting older and having fewer children since we came down from the trees, and we have always been able to raise standards anyway. The only thing that doesn’t work is 1% of the people taking it all and putting it on a pile and sitting on it like a dragon.

    I am tired of the same old discussions, get the money from the people who have more than enough! Don’t let them drag you into discussions like this to point fingers away from themselves towards everyone else. Young vs old is not the fight we need to fight, poor vs fantastillion rich is the fight.

  • Maybe that differs per culture, but here in the Netherlands I know plenty of right-wing voters who don’t deny the issue at all. They acknowledge it’s a problem, sometimes even want to put effort into fixing it. Their arguments against are usually “we’re such a small country, so whatever we do won’t really affect anything anyway” and “it’s already going quite well, no need to be ahead of the curve”. I’d say that’s actually by far the largest group of right wing voters in my personal experience.

    It is not just happening in the Netherlands, I can see it in Germany too and there is this study that found it all over Youtube. It is the same group and the same denial, just their agenda framed differently, because they could not win over people with right out denying climate change anymore. They just switched the narrative to “can’t do anything against it” :


    The report published on Tuesday shows a shift from the “old denial” – that climate change is not happening or not anthropogenic – to the “new denial”.

    These new denial narratives that question the science and solutions for climate change constituted 35% of all climate denial on YouTube in 2018, but now represent the large majority (70%). Over the same period, the share of old denial has dropped from 65% to 30% of total claims.

    The report authors believe that this shift is because the scientific evidence is now more accepted and hard to dispute, so those aiming to win people over to climate denial and delay must discredit the solutions and people pushing for climate action.

  • A large dyke is being constructed to divert potential lava flows around the plant

    Lava, like water, prefers to go the easy route. You do not build a wall to stop it face to face, but offer a more easy route right and left of your “wall”, so the force of the lava is halved AND it will likely take the more easy routes and not bother to try and crawl over your construct.

    A wall directly in its path only makes sense when you are already somewhat far away from the volcano, so the lava is very slow and not as hot as in the beginning anymore and then it is rather a pile of earth piled against a smaller part of the stream of lava for days again and again and not a real static wall. A video for that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWbQOqaOxjg The scale of this … kudos to people who can live near a volcano, I am way to scared for that.

  • I prefer a bus over this. I can get on the bus in front of my house, leave it somewhere, go shopping/to work and enter the bus at the end of my shopping tour, while with this, I would still have to walk back to where my thingy is, carrying what I have bought and thingy would take space up while parking in the city, while the bus is constantly moving. If we talk about the 15 Minute City (which I already life in, with a bus every 5-10 Minutes) , something like this is overkill for most people and too small/not suited for professional delivery. Currently I pay 49 Euro/month for the bus and other public transport and this is 6.000 - 10.000 Euros.

  • The question is more like: “How dependent is France on uranium which is a finite resource?”

    “The demand for uranium continues to increase, but the supply is not keeping up. Current uranium reserves are expected to be depleted by the end of the century, and new sources of uranium are hard to find. As a result, uranium prices have been steadily rising, with some estimates predicting a doubling of prices by 2030. This is causing a global uranium squeeze, where the demand for the resource is outstripping the supply.”

    France: Let’s build more nuclear plants, also do not invest into renewable energy, also since we are used to wars for oil, why not having wars for uranium in the future too?