Right, but I just pointed out to you why it wouldn’t work and how to fix it.
So if you had followed my instructions they would have worked.
Right, but I just pointed out to you why it wouldn’t work and how to fix it.
So if you had followed my instructions they would have worked.
I didn’t put the “and” in the commands, I copied and pasted them from the comment above
Yes you did, but you copy pasted two different commands connected with “and”.
The word “and” isn’t meant to be typed into the cli. They’re stringing together two different lines.
but thank you for illustrating my point so very well.
If your point was that it’s easy to copy and paste I’m confused how I helped.
It is easy to copy and paste though. People generally format the commands like I did instead of in the middle of a sentence like OP did where you can make parsing mistakes.
I read through your comments. I’ve also used ffmpeg.
You say you don’t have time but it takes less time than you’ve spent arguing.
This isn’t other people’s problem, this is your learned helplessness as much as you refuse to admit it.
Lol, apparently it is hard. You were supposed to enter
convert 001.jpg example.pdf
ffmpeg -i rock.mp4 rock.avi
By putting the “and” in the commands you just caused an error lol
No one has suggested tools that require specialty knowledge.
You just haven’t tried and keep placing arbitrary obstacles in front of yourself.
"Almost heaven, West Virginia. Blue Ridge Mountains, Shanendoah River.
Life is old there, older than the trees.
Younger than the mountains, growing like the breeze.
Country roads, take me home, to the place I belong"
That seems unnecessarily harsh.
I find the built in controls with visual studio supremely convenient.
After using git init --bare for the remote repo I use the built in git controls for branching and switching out as well as syncing and pushing. Why not, the button is right there and it’s literally faster.
But times change and the cost of free tier users surpasses that of paying users. Should the company continue providing the same level of service for free tier users?
“Times changing” here seems to be the central trick to the argument.
What’s interesting about enshittification is that as the company gets more and more profitable there seems to be more and more excuses as to why these free features are so costly.
It’s very easy for a company to put out a statement that times are changing and that the free tier is unaffordable. Is that always true? Who’s to say?
I’m sure sometimes it is true but the doubt is why arguments like this will never go away.
Also, what other term than entitlement would you use for somebody gets something for free, is not promised that it will stay free forever, the free offering is cancelled or limited, and the user starts complaining?
What other term than incompetent would you use for a company that puts out a free product, attracts a bunch of free users, abruptly cuts access for those features and puts it behind a paywall, and then acts surprised when those same users complain about it.
If you want to make a business move go ahead, it’s your right, but accept the complaints from your user base you predictably pissed off.
Then again, isn’t that what people used to do with StackOverflow?
Yes, one of the major issues with StackOverflow that answerers complained about a lot was the “XY problem.”.
Where you’re trying to do X, but because you’re inexperienced you erroneously decide Y must be the solution even though it is a dead end, and then ask people how to do Y instead of X.
ChatGPT drives that problem up to 11 because it has no problems enabling you to focusing on Y far longer than you should be.
Oh sorry. You’re right, you’re allowed to give up.
I have 100% confidence that you personally had negative experiences in the past trying to get stuff like this working. Like I fully believe you.
I’ve just done this before you know? I know what these tools are and how easy they are! I use ffmpeg.
Im also 100% sure that, if you had put that aside the attitude that it would be a time waste and you had just given it an honest try, me or a bunch of different people on this thread would have easily helped you get it working by now.
Maybe it’d take a couple comments back and forth, but weve already expensed that effort arguing. And I know for a fact it would’ve taken less effort than we’ve spent so far.
It’s okay for you to give up, but you gotta realize how it feels for us to hear you complain, for us to know with certainty we can help you, and not feel a little frustrated when you refuse the help while continuing to complain.
Everytime you keep popping up in the thread complaining about this non existent problem it just hurts cause it’s so easily solvable.
But you’re right, no matter how easy this is I can’t force you to try. So, cheers!