Naturally it’s subjective, but i compare it to driving my Uncle’s Cadillac, but if you’re so concerned, just watch a quick video on how to use the car and rent a Tesla or something for a day and see how it goes, make up your mind for itself. Im not here to be an evangelist. Im just speaking my mind.if you don’t like it, then that’s on you, choose what you want
Aren’t you just venting on me then? Because please reread my initial post beyond the word comfort, where I literally voice my complaints on my car and mention when one should choose a plug-in hybrid vehicle, but I still love my car. How i complained that electricity at superchargers is almost the same as my previous gas costs. So please calm down and drink some water or something sir. I literally just spoke my experiences, nothing more, and am genuinely uninterested in long arguments where the client has implicitly made up their mind already. Im a random dude in Florida who drives for a living. Not a car salesman.