Trump sues NBC because he didn’t get to be on SNL, 😭 “it’s not fair” -DJT
Trump sues NBC because he didn’t get to be on SNL, 😭 “it’s not fair” -DJT
Yeah winters are cold here and we need something to do indoors.
How about some crypto
I think the subscription overload has to do with the whole 90s kids are the only ones who know how to build and fix computers. We know how to go out and find alternatives or roll our own services. Hell we invented digital piracy so we are comfortable with not subscribing.
I only subscribe to two services, Google storage so my family’s mobile devices can auto backup and Spotify because I like the suggestion engine and it’s easier for my kids to stream music. For everything else there’s piracy.
So then there is this new generation that are clueless in tech so these companies can nickel and dime them because they don’t know any better. I know I try to teach my kids how to use tech but they just don’t have an interest like I did.
It’s not “possible” it is literally a call for an attack.
That’s his final form
Pumpkin spice spray on tan
Because if they slow down people won’t upgrade as fast because the manufacturers pledge “X number of versions” updates not years. So if Google slows down manufacturers would have to support longer. Gotta keep that money flowing in because Google gets a cut of sales.
I switched back to nzb full time last week. Don’t need to run a VPN and it is more stable. It’s still cheaper than streaming with 2 paid indexers and 2 paid servers.
Just let it fall, stop halting it. Let the market decide!
If you riot over any fucking game your team should be banned for participating for a time. Fans can’t behave then the fans can’t watch their team play. Maybe ban all their sports teams. Between religion and sports we humans have some weird hangups about “our teams”
Small boobies = nipple ok
Big boobies = nipple not ok
Is what I think this Instagram is trying to say. I don’t agree and think let the boobies be free.
Yup it’s only illegal if your peers deem it. Which is why you should always stick to areas where you are a commoner and not an outsider. Which is why I avoid the south like it’s radioactive.
Also relevant, two people of the same religion praying for the same thing. The god fights themselves. Or flips a coin, free will remember.
The only actual election interference I have heard about and people actually being charged is by the Republicans.
A lawsuit filed is not proof, I could file a lawsuit saying my neighbor stole my house. My house is still where it was but I could claim it’s not and bring a lawsuit. I would lose but it’s the principal of the fact that there is a suit that looks official and people think lawsuits means it’s real.
His time is worthless just like his life
I would be fine with jail time
He’s just an old man that wants to retire and do old man things. Work at fast food and ride around in trucks. Next he’s gonna be a Walmart greeter.
It kills the deer and keeps on going, it doesn’t stop to let you collect it so you can eat it. They are chaotic evil vegans.
But those are useless when you have one greedy dog. The others will starve.