Can’t help I’m hot as fuck 💅
Can’t help I’m hot as fuck 💅
Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism complete with transhumanism a la Iain M. Bank’s The Culture series
Hey I’ve been on a Spirit flight.
I get it.
Lotta weird replies on your silly joke picture.
FWIW I chuckled.
Bet, I think that’s a really good point and a crucial reminder for some people.
I am gonna need 15 year olds to be 33% less annoying, though, in return. I mean, I was incredibly annoying at 15 and I get it’s hard not to be but goddamn meet me part way here
Goddamn right!!
The only thing I need on a screen is the GPS, everything else is an annoyance.
I tell you that you’ve misunderstood me and you’re telling me “I disagree, I know what point you are trying to make”?
Oh boy, buddy, I need your thoughts and opinions like a hole in the head, good luck!
If that’s the point you inferred from my post, you’ve grossly misread
If we truly live in a democratic state, shouldn’t the onus of be on the candidate to capture the desires and will of the electorate and not the duty of the citizen to vote for the party?
Honey, no…
We don’t have to do this “respect the man, he worked hard” routine. That doesn’t help anyone. The dude failed to protect the most vulnerable or safeguard the country from Nazi elements within while also propping up genocidal regimes and he never did close those “kids in cages” camps that the media stopped talking about Jan 20, 2021.
Biden won’t do anything useful.
He’s had 4 years to be useful and he decided early he’d rather drool than, oh, codify roe v wade or set up protections against fascist rule
You were having good times??
This isn’t news it’s like one sentence written about some idiot kid in Reno.
Well you don’t want to eat every fish you catch, that’s not good for the fish population. You want to ensure you’re only taking fish that have had a chance to spawn, determined by size.
Catch and release fishing is fine for the fish. If you gut hook them and they won’t survive, well, you eat that one, but it’s also easier to avoid that if you know what sort of fish you’re looking for and change your hook/lure accordingly.
Go fishing.
For real. Take some time to focus on something new and “pointless”. Soak in some gorgeous views and learn about your local waterways. Reconnect with the land around you.
Life’s easier with a clearer head.
It’s gotten so bad that this poor citizen is complimenting a GAS STATION SANDWICH!!
We’ve fallen so far…
We used to be a proper country with sandwich shops and delis and now we just got these company chains that can’t even manage to make a half decent chopped cheese!
Subway is ass go to a dang deli!
It’s harder to meet people in bars these days.
Fewer people are going out as things get more expensive and Gen Z, on the whole, likes drinking less than their elders.
If elected president, I’ll cap beer at $5 a pint
It’s not quite as convenient, but I switched to making popcorn in a wok. It’s faster and way, WAY cheaper.