I think green is down with his head being in the lower left of the image.
I think green is down with his head being in the lower left of the image.
Thank You! They intentionally served the coffee hotter than their cups were even rated for all to minimize people getting refills and it was well documented by their own employees that people were getting hurt as a result.
The person filing the lawsuit only wanted their medical bills covered. The JURY decided to go punitive and instead gave like 2 days of coffee profits instead (NOTE: The judge then said ‘fuck that’ and reduced the punitive amount down to ~25% of the amount the jury decided on … or 3x what they medical bills came out to because actually _punishing _ a company isn’t allowed).
McDonalds’ smear campaign against this poor woman has been so disgustingly successful.
Yeah, from what I understand, .world is hosted in a country where suggesting that someone should die is really not allowed, so, it makes sense (if the person that said that was accurate). At least its not virtue signaling or adhering to the whims of the rich like over at R.
At least this one doesn’t stop the system from booting and can be resolved with your software deployment tool or rmm.
Still shouldn’t have happened if the update was actually tested though.
Meh, there are always people who think their opinion is the only valid one. FWIW, I’m enjoying the hell out of S2 and liked S1 and the books. If you’re enjoying what you’re seeing so far, keep it going and hopefully you’ll keep liking it and if you don’t, you can always quit.
To me, that’s the purpose of a “homelab” not the purpose of self hosting. There’s a lot of overlap, but they’re not quite the same. Homelab has a goal of learning, but just self hosting doesn’t need to.
Yeah, I bought the 3100 to support them and regretted that decision, unfortunately, when it came time to replace I was in a time crunch like you and wasn’t able to run my backups though a translation and it was taking way too long to do it manually so I had to just load pfSense and load the backup.
If I ever buy new hardware and the old isn’t dead though, I’m definitely going to try and make the shift away from it.
Right‽ Gotta love when people think that their opinion is the only one that matters.
Dude is making one board that’ll work for as many situations as possible and letting you decide what you want to do with it (and it’s right there in the name - future proof!), but somehow that is honestly too much.
For myself, I like having options.
Also, the official HA hardware also has an expansion port on it, think this guy complained about having that on there as being too much?
Every goddamned day, seriously.
But, the Biden crime family!!!111!!!
One of the mods said (in the article) that to their knowledge it’s mostly the paid admins removing it not the unpaid moderators.
Yeah, I’m expecting the FBI to go back to the good ole days of killing “communists” and anyone who dares to say workers and minorities should have rights.
I’m a lot less trusting of people. I thought I distrusted people before, but JFC, I had no idea how much lower that bar could go!
My grandma quit using a program that basically attempted to break your habits.
She did things like:
-if you normally have a smoke break at noon, wait til 12:30. Tomorrow do it at 11:30 instead
-If you normally use a lighter, switch to matches, tomorrow use a lighter.
-On Monday, Wednesday,Friday switch to a different brand of cigarettes … next week go the opposite days.
-Smoke, but every other drag put a pen in your mouth instead.
-Only allow yourself to smoke half a cigarette and then chew a stick of gum for the rest of the time you would normally smoke
-Alternate smoke breaks between smoking and chewing nicotine gum or using the patch (I don’t think she used the patch so I’m guessing on that one).
And just a lot of things like that that didn’t specifically stop you from smoking, but attempted to stop it being a mindless thing that you just do on reflex without much thought and made it so before lighting up she’d have to think about what the current rules are … at a certain point, the habit has been broken and you don’t seek it… it worked great for her. Was a 6 month or so process and then she never went back once she finished her last pack.
There was a whole program around it with those types of rules and things you’d do and time restrictions on certain days and stuff … sorry, she passed a few years back and I can’t ask her the name of the program.
Good luck! Just remember that even if you lapse, any length of time that you’re able to smoke less or stop smoking all improve your overall health! Even if you have a setback, any time that you stop is still a win!
Absolutely loved that one!
A lot of these folks that rave about “owning their home” and about how “bad the younger generation is with money” have re-mortgaged their home to fund their insane lifestyles and owe enough that it’s just gonna be a headache for whoever “inherits” the poorly maintained asbestos farm.
From their webpage … sounds pretty cool:
Sway is a tiling Wayland compositor and a drop-in replacement for the i3 window manager for X11. It works with your existing i3 configuration and supports most of i3’s features, plus a few extras.
Sway allows you to arrange your application windows logically, rather than spatially. Windows are arranged into a grid by default which maximizes the efficiency of your screen and can be quickly manipulated using only the keyboard.
12ft.io is one I see a lot, but whenever I try to use it, it says I’m a bot.
On FireFox (desktop or mobile [Android for sure, don’t know about iPhone]), you can click the reading mode button in the address bar and it’ll let you read it.
I just installed it and it’s working pretty well.
OIDC/SSO was easy to configure and I was able to do so before even signing in. I was able to proxy it with NPM quite easily too without needing to do anything special.
The only real problem I’m seeing so far is that if you have OIDC set up, there aren’t prompts to actually use it in the Android app and Firefox extensions and it still prompts for username and password instead. I got around that by creating an API key instead, but you wouldn’t think that’d be necessary.
I even imported all my Firefox bookmarks just to see how it’d handle it and it’s struggling, haha, but I think that’s likely going to be the AI auto tagging and my poor little Ollama server that’s only got a 1060 rather than it being a Hoarder issue, but linking it to the existing Ollama server was also quite easy!
Thanks for the share OP, I’ve tried putzing with Wallabag (didn’t like that they didn’t have SSO) and Linkwarden (couldn’t get it to work with NGINX or NPM), so this was refreshing with how easy it was to get up and running!
ETA: My primary usecase for this is going to just be shoving things I want to remember to look at on it rather than sending myself links to things constantly.
Things I think could be improved, but am not (yet?) annoyed enough by to even open an issue:
I mean, that’s at least a feature that you can look at and say “Huh, I’m not lazy enough to use it myself, but I’m glad it’s there for Granny who has arthritis and can’t hold the knife very well anymore” UNLIKE the AI which is basically just there for Samsung/LG to get money from Microsoft and for Microsoft … ??? … Profit???