Jamf or mosyle are fine still
Jamf or mosyle are fine still
Macs are the most closed os. Id stay away. also who puts a charging port on the bottom of a mouse lol. I know this is an apple place…I’m here because I’m a school district’s apple guy.
Many people are fine with changing their names and the ones that aren’t won’t do it. There’s your answer. Don’t rag on the people that like changing their name.
I highly doubt many people are doing this.
Why do the rich people get to enjoy life and we just work to get an hour here and there.
People should be always taxed more depending on how much more they make starting at 500,000$ a year for a single person imo. Once you hit that threshold you’re far above a normal human…far above.
Pokemon has sucked for years who cares.
Idk I guess if this was like Dragonball z and we could put a power level on the spanking then maybe it makes sense? Like ok we’re going with a power level 5 spanking today out of 10000 lol idk though…some kids seem like they could use a spank on the bottom but I think that’s the extent it should go. When I see people hitting their kids in other ways I feel awful inside but a butt spank never seemed to bother me when I’ve seen it in action as long as it’s not like they are trying to hit the bell at the top of a carnival hammer game.
I miss Obama
Try, find out, report back!
I’m sick right now and I read this as I have 100 chickens how do I store them.
I think what the image is trying to say is no one gives a shit that plays elder scrolls about this sorta thing because it’s a Fantasy game. No one needs to boot up a video game to be reminded how unfair and shitty our world is. We go to the game and escape that ( hopefully).
Ugh Lemmy’s turned into the worst part of reddit faster than reddit did.
Fuck Nintendo don’t buy their products.
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