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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 1st, 2024


  • There has been one temporary ceasefire with hostage releases.

    And there have also been instances of Netanyahu sabotaging getting hostages released as well.

    Also remember the recent ceasefire for vaccinations.

    You mean for polio right? The disease that started spreading because of Israel’s commitment to depriving children of basic human rights like clean water and healthcare, right? The same ceasefire where Israel has been reported not allowing vaccinators to enter right?

    There are a string of other events that happened because of successful diplomacy.

    And there’s a longer string of events of unsuccesful diplomacy on the Israeli side. I’ll also remind you that this list doesn’t start from October by the way.

    Israel’s message to Hamas since the beginning of the war has more or less been: surrender or die.

    Israel’s message to the Palestinian people is to simply die. Let’s not confuse what’s actually happening here.

    Netanyahu never does anything in good faith. He is all about his personal advantage.

    Oh, so you agree he’s untrustworthy?

  • The article is more of a critique on the political landscape surrounding climate change in America for the past 20 years. It mentions all the presidents since Bush and how the talk has changed but the fact that it’s still not enough. Despite it being a big issue for voters.

    But for more than 20 years, the networks running the presidential debates — and the candidates on the debate stages — have decided that climate change is simply not critical enough to voters to warrant substantial attention. Never mind that more than a third of voters in the U.S. say that global warming is “very important” to their vote, or that an additional 25 percent say they would prefer a candidate who supports climate action — to pundits, climate change is an ancillary issue. Very soon, however, this will have to change. Polls show that climate change is a top issue for young voters in particular, and that 85 percent of young voters can be moved to vote based on climate issues.

    It does critique her stance on fracking but I consider that fair game since she did vote for it and advocate for it in the debates.

    As Kate Aronoff wrote for The New Republic, Harris could have put forward a number of facts about fracking’s failures, rather than wholeheartedly embracing it. Oil and gas companies depend on billions of dollars in annual tax subsidies, for instance, including a massive bailout during the pandemic in 2020. “Fossil fuel companies thought [fracking] was too expensive to be worth doing until the federal government poured billions of dollars’ worth of funding into basic research and tax breaks,” Aronoff wrote. “But leading Democrats, including Harris, seem incapable of talking about the downsides of fossil fuel production.”

    This is not a situation in which everyone, including oil and gas companies, can get a slice of the climate solutions pie. Science shows that fossil fuels must be phased out expeditiously for the health of the planet. But the severity of this crisis — and the aggressive action necessary to abate it — is not adequately captured in Harris’s debate response. In fact, her embrace of fracking and her focus on boosting oil and gas development alongside clean energy production is emblematic of one way in which Democrats and past Republicans have historically overlapped on the climate issue.

  • The thing that gets me is that if prosecutors like Harris know that sites like this is used for human trafficking; where is the bragging that they helped take those people down? Just like the article states, all they did was take down the site and let the actual offenders roam free. Everyone knows how flexible and versatile the internet is. Take down one site and several take it’s place. When you brag about taking down a site and not doing anything about the reason why the offenses on the site exist, then you’re just working to score political points.

    EDIT: In case it wasn’t clear in my comment I want to stress that I am commenting on why prosecutors like Harris brag about taking down these platforms without ever bragging about taking down the human traffickers using said platform. I am not criticizing her for not going after the owners. I know she went after the owners. The article talks about it. But it also talks about not doing much to actually helping the people who need help.