You picked the biggest instance there is. I would start with a smaller one and then pull in the material you are interested in.
You picked the biggest instance there is. I would start with a smaller one and then pull in the material you are interested in.
Hi, this all comes down to the instance of your choosing and the people and hashtags you are following. I had a very positive experience from the get go.
There are lots of highly moderated servers, because of regulations and possible illegal contents. As the personal timeline is only filled with content of your choice, there shouldn’t be much problems.
You can spice you timeline up with a trendingbot or with starter packs:
He makes ambigious statements (I read the linke nitter link). Eutelsat OneWeb is available now. If it is robust against russian jamming needs to be seen.
Iris2 won’t be available before end 2030s or so. But there is another European goverment constellation they mentioned.
Edit It was govsatcom. Source: and Infos about the Constellation
Others are also considered:
Nennt mich bockig, aber ich denke, die sollten die Vorhaben platzen lassen, damit wir schnell über Vertrauensfrage oder sonstwas Neuwahlen haben.
Soweit ich die Lage verstehe, könnte zu jedem Zeitpunkt eine Notlage ausgerufen werden, so dass die Bundesregierung unter allen Bedinungen handlungsfähig wäre. Es kommt also nicht darauf an, nun alles abzunicken… vielleicht klärt das dann die politischen Spielregeln und den Umgang miteinander.
Isn’t OneWeb constellation is debated until Iris2 is available?
But we should reconsider the SpaceX launch contracts.
Bei einigem gehe ich ganz persönlich mit.
Die CDU nach dem Wahlkampf in das gemachte Finanznest zu setzen wäre…
Machen sie es nicht, sind sie die Blockierer.
Handeln sie was für das Klima oder die Gesellschaft raus, sind sie die Erpresser.
Stimmen sie zu, sind sie die Rückgratlosen.
Es wird ein Fest, das zu verfolgen.
I used it several years ago for scientific writing. It was good back then and it is good now.
The problem is the adoption in companies/institutions that fear to miss out on something if they don’t use Office. Sadly Office files are still the business/office standard (until businesses step up and encourage people to use open document formats).
Hi, I’m using since several years, for two familly accounts and business.
They got temprorary anonymous e-Mails which will expire every n month or so, unless you navigate in the menu and extend the period every n month.
You can pull in content of the bigger one by following users and hashtags. There are several trending and discovery mechanics, so you don’t miss out on content.
I started over at the generic host .