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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Actually not wearing gloves and washing your hands regularly is, I believe, generally bettee for sanitation. There’s a lot of false confidence and shit with gloves, and they cost money and are technically a limited resource. You should always have them on hand, especially for if you get cut and need to wear a bandaid, but washing your hands as needed is totally fine.

    And as it relates to this conversation they have a point in that gloves fucking suck to wear. They’re weirdly sticky and also even tight ones are like wearing loose skin and it just kinda sucks. Again, super great to have around and they can be awesome for some tasks where you just do not want to have to do anything more than removing the glove and rinsing, but the point stands.

  • That sometimes works, but sometimes the right way is not immediately comfortable so people so stuff that seems right and hurt themselves. Sometimes the thing that seemed correct initially was only because of a lack of deeper understanding and an ignorance of the knowledge of those who have already made the mistakes.

    I dance, play instruments, drive cars, and do a whole lot of other things where the immediately comfortable thing is so often one of the best ways to develop a massively limiting habit that is a huge pain to get away from once you realize how badly it’s holding you back.

    It’s a case-by-case basis, of course, but simply “the best is what you’re most comfortable with” does not have near the nuance it needs to not be abused. It is great advice for people once they have built up a strong base of knowledge, and until then they need to get over it and try things.

  • They also forget that there are things not required when it comes to doing things as a hobby; it’s not just doing the hobby more and getting paid.

    Like, I do all the work on my own car, help my friends with stuff so they can save money, and enjoy modifications(when I can afford them which is basically never). People say “oh maybe you should have been/should try out being a mechanic. Yea, and now I gotta deal with the 99.9% of drivers who are painfully ignorant about the thing they spent tens of thousands of dollars on, do endless and boring oil and brake changes, and when I have an interesting job I gotta do it quick enough to not destroy my entire reputation or lose money on the quoted time. And then there’s all the paperwork!

    No thanks, I’ll stick to my own driveway and taking teaching my friends new skills as payment.

  • Weird conservatives have never been know to understand things like “longterm effects” or “treating what they have with any respect”.

    They like buying trucks, guns, and knives. They like showing those things off. Like the “rustic charm” in the memes that are really just about how anti-social they are. They like wearing red and black flannel, camo hats, and acting like they could totally live off the land just because their entire idea of nature is about who’s more violent.

    The people who can name the birds and trees, who gather responsibly, and just like to go for a nice canoe aren’t usually too conservative. Obviously it happens but that requires a level effort and stewardship for the land that’s often incompatible with the personality required to grasp onto conservatism.

  • It’s fucking soup with cheese that’s so covered in sauce it will never reach any level of golden brown delicious, nor even be able to dream of it. It’s such a US thing to think that more is better while annihilating all the nuance that makes the thing actually good in the first place.

    A deep crust is fine, just put more in it and put that cheese on top where it can really shine. Fill that bad bitch with all kinds of great stuff. Use more than the most basic, one-note pizza sauce.

    I was so hyped for deep-dish and it let me down so fucking hard.

  • Hi I’m someone else, I’m an architectural technologist and used to work at a structural engineering firm.

    The engineers don’t have professional responsibilities they have financial and familial obligations that are threatened by the kinds of people who have too much power and not enough brains. They don’t owe their employer fucking diddly-squat, especially if that employer is asking them to endanger others. It is unfortunate that 90% of the construction industry is pretty backwards.

    As for the being fired for upholding a legal and moral responsibility I’m literally doing nothing on my couch on a Monday morning because some very fragile people didn’t like that I refused to draw up plans for an illegal stair(I have a certification in the building code). They got mad at me based solely on their woeful misunderstanding of the applicable code(they literally didn’t even know they had to update their physical copy every year and fought me on it). Unfortunately it’s hard to prove so all I could really do was take screenshots before I lost access and send them to the province’s professional engineering association to at least get them into some kind of trouble. They took the case but it was probably just a “they’re stupid and it’s a first reported offence so we’ll give them a warning” kinda thing, but still.

    I would do it all again, too, because fuck that guy and fuck anyone who tries to scare me into compliance. I’m one of not many people who can weather the storm of unemployment and I’m not going to disrespect those who can’t risk fighting back by being a coward.

  • Soup@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@programming.devPsychopath Dev
    11 days ago


    Yes, sometimes it’s better to just leave the shitty person to be shitty but not calling people out also validates their shitty opinions. I’m glad you’re in a place of privilege to just ignore it but maybe practice your own fuckin’ augenmaß and butt out if you don’t have anything constructive to say.

  • Soup@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@programming.devPsychopath Dev
    11 days ago

    “Wah wah I’m a victim look they’re going to attack me any second now!”

    I hope you figure out whatever’s destroying your sense of self-worth and causing you to attack margainalisized communities to protect what’s left of your ego. That’s both a dig and a genuine dose of sympathy.

  • Bike lanes aren’t just for cyclists, and actually it can pretty easily argued that a basically insignificant number of the users are hardcore cyclists. Where I live a bicycle is simply one of the best ways to get around and people will just use the great bikeshare program to get around.

    So yea, nothing to do with someone’s hobby, and most everyone who wants to see a bike lane also wants everything else. What we’re all mad about is that bike lanes are so fucking easy to do and yet you’ll never see a temper tantrum like when you ask for a road that’s way wider than it needs to be to have one installed.