That’s 31.6% of eligible voters 46% of eligible voters may not have actively wanted it, but they were okay enough with it to not bother voting against it.
I see no existential, ethical, or legal problems with this. /SARCASM
If it can qualify as a practitioner, it should qualify fully as a practitioner, either as a physician who’s qualified to practice medicine or a nurse practitioner the same way.
Pragmatically I could see an AI performing as well as pharmacists who have limited prescription ability. However it would require a lot more holistic human interaction, which again gets into confidentiality and data privacy.
What even is left to put tariffs on?
Son, the beginning was so long ago that many people have no experience of before.
Who cares?
Well the title says snoop fans care… Can you read? I think it’s less the celebrity performance and more the hypocrisy that they care about though.
Yes… that’s why they use the word “could”. This is how research works and what reasonable science reporting looks like. There were no promises or wild claims made in the article.
It’s hyperbole for effect.
It’s like “fuck”, it means several different things depending on context.
For example, there’s also the meaning of lamenting that people seem too cavalier, ignorant, or dismissive of something you feel is important.
But you’re right, the meaning in context is sometimes unclear and there are better ways to communicate your feelings.
As for responses, you could always go with a polite “What do you mean?”
Dayam, I legit forgot about that. Never used it, was locked into FB. Now FB is a ghost city of the occasional lost human and wraiths peddling “suggested for you’s”
Just use your own brain and eyeballs.
When I was coming up learning about the long slow path of climate change, it was “We have to act now, because by the time you can readily see the effects with your eyes, we’ll be fucked cause it’ll be too late by then.”
Whelp here we are. All we can do now is mitigate the damage however we can.
Zoomed in it appears to actually be reflection off the edge of the front mounting holes in their helmets.
Oh it’s a complete ghost town. Absolutely useless as actual social media. I suppose you could try starring/favoriting all your friends lol…
Sometimes the “realism” critique is certainly pedantic and unproductive, but other times what’s really meant is contradiction. Situations should make sense within the fictional world. And in the fictional world of DC, norms around politics and economics are portrayed to be analogous to western neoliberalism with capitalism assumed and unquestioned. So with the Wayne family being a relatively well-regarded billionaire family like the Gates or the Buffets, there is still the issue that it is clear under the current system and that portrayed in DC universe that such wealth cannot be accumulated and sustained without massive exploitation of working class people somewhere along the line. So billionaire + “good guy” starts to become more of a glaring contradiction even in DC. But sure, we can explain it away as fiction with magically ethical capitalists. The interesting thing about the billionaire Wayne discussion though, is when people apply this fictional view of capitalism to how they interpret the real world. And now we’re back to propaganda.
What I would say that sets West Wing and B99 apart is sometimes there’s a tonal difference or way in which certain themes are handled/portrayed that signals to the viewer that the writers acknowledge this isn’t what real life is like but we hope one day we can get there. And it’s a spectrum right. Some do this to varying degrees, other more propagandistic media do not.
They’re for storing the molecular correlates of trauma, obviously :3
I tend to lump it in with The West Wing as idealistic wish fulfilment of how we’d like things to be, or a picture of our human potential.
This is not a generational shift. The iron dome of irony is a tried and true coping technique for the brutality of teenage culture where the rule of cool rules with an iron fist and being uncool means social death. And what is cool shifts at a moment’s notice, yet uncool is forever. So normies learn to armour themselves by treating everything ironically to pre-empt any whiff of uncool. Because at the very least, it’s never uncool to make fun of something. This carries forward into one’s 20s when some begin to rediscover the coolness of being authentic, sincere, and genuine regardless of what others think. So then you have the reaction of radical acceptance, not yucking others’ yum, respect for others’ interests, etc. GenX had their equivalent, even Boomers. It’s part of growing up. And of course not everyone gets there.
Exactly, if we let more people die during the pandemic, workers would have more jobs to choose from and less family to take care of. /SARCASM
Well yes you are absolutely correct from a materialist standpoint. If you limit reality to material things, then truths are limited to material knowledge. Emergent properties such as subjective experience, society/culture, and ultimately meaning and meaningfulness are excluded from what is considered reality and truth, except for their material correlates. And this is why philosophers moved on from materialism because, while highly fruitful, it was ultimately insufficient in capturing all forms of knowledge.
I prefer a pragmatic blend of constructivist realism.
Well awktshualy, read the whole definition entry. Pendants are always so eager to ignore lay meanings.