They so desperatly want a hidden militia to come out of the woodwork and coup the country for them
Those people are either dead from covid, too old to fight for their coup, or are just LARPers and actually aren’t interested in dying for a con man.
They so desperatly want a hidden militia to come out of the woodwork and coup the country for them
Those people are either dead from covid, too old to fight for their coup, or are just LARPers and actually aren’t interested in dying for a con man.
We need to contain their garbage to their dead site.
Block x
The one that says that the protest voters had any meaningful impact on the election.
I know engaging with reality is hard but you have to get over that ego to do it.
You’re welcome to try to educate them, if you can manage to penetrate their egos.
I’ve tried educating them, but it’s kind of hard when they already beleive fake bullshit and literally can’t be reasoned with because religious people don’t require reason to believe something.
Religon shamed them into hating themselves and their neigbors, so I find shame to be a much more effective tool, even if they don’t manage to self reflect they’ll probably feel stupid and shut up like they were trained.
Lmao whine more I’m not shutting the news off for you
Lmao ok whatever your feelies are telling you
there is no way to tell how many people didn’t vote that would have had they not been manipulated my dipshits
If you weren’t a reactionary and used your brain you can easily figure out how many didn’t vote.
The people protesting the Gaza war were majority younger people, and younger demographics had the same turn out as every election, they didn’t turn out for either canidate.
The people who DO vote are older white people. And those groups had almost a 10% shift in turn out, along with hispanic men. And those groups don’t give a shit about our wars.
I mean the strawman you want to hate doesn’t exist.
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
Protest voters did not meaningfully effect the election, alt right youth did not meaningfully effect the election. This is divisive propaganda.
The demographics that voted for biden but stayed home in 2024 were older white men/women and hispanic men. Probably because of those groups beleive in “traditional” patriarchal values and machismo culture and didn’t like voting for a woman.
Unfortunately nobody will be able to escape news of Elon Musk until a while after he dies.
And people will vote for them anyway because if their personal economy is bad they will vote out the incumbent.
After 2016 and Republicans fucking everything up for 2 years they got recked in the midterms.
The same will happen again.
What do you want after you’ve aquired everything legal and illegal you have ever wanted and the hole inside you is still empty?
The rich have a mental illness that can’t be reasoned with.
Again the constitution isn’t law, but laws are required to adhere to as close to the constitution as possible, and those changes cannot be made by Judges
The constitution covers that too
Afraid Americans will have to vote with their guns in 2028
The people selling the goods never pay the tariff
If SCOTUS attempts to change the constitution, without the required support of congress, then it gives the ok for the American people to remove them.
Technically they haven’t done anything illegal yet
Anti intellectualism and submitting to fascist authority both align with machismo culture.
Moat of them have been trained from a very young age by their religious leaders to beleive anything without proof and that malice is the most effective and moral way to obtain dopamine.
It’s because they want to use the US to achieve world domination.
I wish I were kidding.
Yeah sure THIS was the election that young people were actually totally going to take control.
Grow up lol, young people have never meaningfully participated in our elections in my entire life.