Actually I find it funny, both the chatbot’s response, and your pathetic seethe about it
Actually I find it funny, both the chatbot’s response, and your pathetic seethe about it
How is that edgy then? I would say it’s a valid question to ask the chatbot. With any chatbot it’s interesting to see what its limits are, and what sorts of questions it won’t answer.
Good points to be honest.
Yeah that makes sense. But on the other hand, jailing people for life costs money and there’s the slim chance they can escape. But I suppose if you have good security then a full life sentence would be an effective deterrent, so maybe you wouldn’t have to pay for very many people to have such long sentences, so it might not cost so much.
I’m not sure, but the UK’s National Health Service mentions depression as a potential side effect.
Drugs can have all sorts of side effects through mechanisms that we might not fully understand (maybe scientists do understand this particular mechanism though, I don’t know).
I guess I’m being downvoted due to just mentioning the death penalty. The only reason I asked is because callers on LBC (radio) were mentioning the death penalty so I wondered what people on Lemmy would think.
Do you guys on here think this is an acceptable sentence, or do you think Britain should have the death penalty for cases like this?
I wonder if Brits will campaign for another referendum on EU membership in the next few years. At the moment I think there is fatigue around the subject, but there are still many Brits who want to be in the EU.
Yeah I’ve heard of that, maybe I should look at it more. Hopefully the Lemmy codebase is fine though. I’m just saying it’s possible, even if perhaps unlikely, that something could be lurking in the code which nobody has discovered yet. The XZ Utils backdoor was well-hidden and happened to be discovered, but maybe malicious code isn’t always discovered.
Even a technical lead of an instance may not have read every single line of code because codebases these days are pretty large. Typically you might look at the code you’re working on, but not necessarily the entire codebase.
Hopefully Lemmy doesn’t have anything malicious in it, but it’s possible to sneak malware into open source projects. This sort of thing happened to XZ Utils last year.
True. The objective is profits, not serving the customer well.
I’m not raising a conspiracy theory point, I’m raising what is surely a valid point: everybody assumes that someone else will read all of the source code and understand it all.
Codebases are large, and malicious code can be obfuscated. Hopefully Lemmy’s code is fine, but I definitely don’t know for certain that it’s completely clean. I just hope that it is.
Have you read all the code though? Everyone assumes that somebody else will read every single file of the source code, and understand it all. Malicious code can be obfuscated.
Maybe there’s something in the codebase that sends all our data to North Korea… who knows.
Male loneliness has probably always been a thing. Lonely men were expected to work difficult jobs, or fight in wars for kings, or just kill themselves.
Some women would have experienced similar issues, along with probably greater rates of sexual abuse, etc.
I think there have always been quite a few people with shit lives throughout history; it’s just that society doesn’t want to acknowledge these people. People who are doing fine in life want to pretend that life is fair, when actually it isn’t.
I guess it’s because many young adults move far away from home to get jobs in cities.
In the past young adults probably would have stayed living near their family, so they could see them easily.
Ethernet is obviously better but running ethernet around your home can be a pain in the arse
I miss Maplin, I still use stuff I bought from there
I’m not saying you do. I don’t use Twitter anymore. What I was trying to say is that I find the state of the world worrying.
Testing the limits of a chatbot isn’t soy. More soy than that is being obsequious to China, and it seems that’s what you’re doing