I saw it on TV when I was 7 or 8. I had nightmares for months.
I saw it on TV when I was 7 or 8. I had nightmares for months.
I did when I was a kid, and I think a lot of us did. That’s the thing - they teach us in school about all the good stuff capitalism has allowed for, specifically so that it takes us longer to realize that they’re cherry picking what they can out of a big pile of shit. But by then hopefully we’ve started a family or a career or something that we don’t want to lose, so they can sell us the lie of complacency and avoid ever having a new revolution. It’s getting harder and harder for them to hide the smell of the shit pile, though, and people are getting radicalized younger and younger.
Why does the background of that guys post read “I think that my virginity’s growing back?”
It’s America. One of the most common reasons for something to exist here is because it makes money, and this is making a lot of money.
Well, yeah, in an ideal world a person should be able to pursue an education and a career and still have time to pursue romantic interests as well, but that’s not really the world we live in, at least not for a lot of people. If someone wants to really devote themselves to their career instead of spending time dating, and their parents want to handle the hunt for a good partner, it doesn’t sound like a bad arrangement so long as everyone’s happy.
Again, it’s not for me, and I’d imagine it’s not for a lot of people, but so long as everyone’s given a choice and this is what they choose, I think it’s fine. Yes, I’m sure not everyone is truly given a choice, but that would be the issue with this: not arranged marriages in general, but specifically the idea that a child must obey their parents regardless of their own aspirations.
I used to think it was really creepy and archaic, but an Indian friend of mine says that it was a real load off of her shoulders to just leave it up to her parents to put the work in, and she says she’s happy with the man they found for her. Still wouldn’t be for me, but I at least now see it as an acceptable option for people who want it. I doubt it’s a fun topic of discussion when the kid doesn’t want it but the parents do, but that’s not unlike already existing contested topics like career choice and grandkids.
I had a friend in high school whose family moved to America from Vietnam when they were around 5. They said they learned English from watching TV all day.
Edit: Didn’t realize the A stood for adult, not anime… Whoops.
For more fighter jets, obviously.
Wait for better methods to work? How much more do you need to see before you understand that things are getting worse over time? How many environmental scientists need to explain yet again that the world is going to be inhospitable if we don’t make a massive change - while virtually all major sources of pollution are increasing year over year?
This isn’t the time to sit around and wait for things to inexplicably start getting better, it’s the time to fight for the slim chance that we can turn things around before it’s too late. And that fight is a literal one - there is no way to get those in power to stop exploiting our society and our world for profits than to physically stop them by whatever means we can.
Good to hear!
It still exists, but was hidden for some reason. You can find it by going to the support tab and clicking the “more” button under troubleshooting information. It’ll be at the far right of the button list on the resulting screen.
Once someone stops thinking that they should do what the scientific and medical communities advise, it’s not a large step for them to start thinking they should do specifically what they advise against.
Well, no, he doesn’t see it that way - he’s not progressive. He’s just a guy who said he was to get elected, and now he’s showing his true colors. As for Israel, the country that only exists because it stole land from the people who were there already, would be doing just fine if the people whose land it stole just moved on, yes, but that’s not going to happen, nor should it.
Some Palestinians use their beliefs to fuel their hatred, and you don’t need me to tell you that’s bad, but only those who actually let those beliefs lead to unwarranted actions of violence are to be condemned, not the people as a whole. The same goes for Israel - only those who take unwarranted action against Palestine are to be condemned. You can and should disagree with the parts of anyone’s beliefs that go against basic human decency, but that alone doesn’t invalidate their right to live.
You act like this started because of a recent bombing and not because of the suppression of an innocent group people over the course of nearly a century. It’s the quintessential bullshit milquetoast excuse of “If you fight back against a bully, you’re just as bad.” The US is an example of what happens when the invaders simply kill all of the original occupants to claim the land for themselves - you’ll have a tough time finding a progressive who thinks that ended up being a happy outcome.
It might as well be. Why else would you use the fact that Palestine isn’t progressive itself to question why progressives support it? Progressives believe that people have a right to live regardless of their beliefs. It’s only actions taken that can invalidate that right, which is why we support Palestine and not Israel; beliefs have nothing to do with it - one is massacring the other, and that’s unacceptable.
Luigi’s Mansion 2 came out during the Year of Luigi, which was a pretty big deal since most people though it was never coming back. But yeah, otherwise it was pretty lame.
Oh shit, I hadn’t heard about this yet! Okami was one of those games from the early 2000’s that felt really experimental and cool, a common theme at the time, especially for PS2 games. I feel like big game companies have largely moved away from that, which is really disappointing. Even this is just another sequel, but it’s still one I’m really excited about!
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air…
So you agree that the vast majority of countries don’t put capital gain over human life? That legislature is possible in such a scenario, but not ours, with capital being the most important thing, lives be damned? Because that’s what I’ve been saying. Public healthcare exists when a country’s government doesn’t lie in bed with private healthcare CEOs. America’s does, and it was designed to do so. You want public healthcare? Then prepare to join the inevitable revolution, because that’s how you’ll get it.
This is a very good thing. If you don’t know something, you can always look it up to figure it out, but there are so many times where people incorrectly think they already know about things, so they never look them up and realize they were wrong the whole time.