From the way the DNC and single issue voters have been acting these past 8 years it seems like everyone wanted this to happen. I can’t possibly explain how else they could have dropped the ball so hard.
From the way the DNC and single issue voters have been acting these past 8 years it seems like everyone wanted this to happen. I can’t possibly explain how else they could have dropped the ball so hard.
The irony being you have to be a complete idiot to be on the side that thinks withholding, dismantling, or removing education is a good idea. Wanting to change the curriculum is one thing. Dismantling it just makes you look evil. There is no positive light you could possibly put this in.
I would argue it is the non-voters in this position.
That sauce looks amazing. Great job!
The fact they changed the headline is itself praiseworthy, but the fact it was click bait and sensationalist to begin counters it.
The point about making the older stuff cheaper is something that isn’t mentioned as much as it should be in these debates.
Ultimately even if the older stuff is worse and requires more attention and monitoring (less convenient), it is still better than nothing.
There were still claims of fraud.
Which, let’s be clear, is not an inherently bad thing. Most sane people don’t want to reinvent the wheel. If you have a foundation that works and can easily be built off of in a reusable way the. You ultimately end up saving a lot of time and money.
Now, going back to your dig, it is true that Amazon has too many similar services, a lot of which could have just been an offering under an existing service. If you offer a certification just for memorizing what all of your services do then you may have gone too far.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say it is a surefire sign they are circling the drain, but I would agree the RTO mandates are vanity decisions. If not the vanity angle it screams that the leadership does not trust their employees or they don’t want to invest in the architecture required to make WFH feasible.
Realistically the mandates are due to tax breaks that the company gets for having a certain number of seats filled each day since these employees have a chance at fueling the local economy by eating out or getting gas.
Either way it is a bad look.
The Linux Argument.
Non-jokes aside, there are multiple names for this. Anecdotal evidence is the primary one while confirmation bias is discarding statements (factual or fictional) that do not align with your vision.
What is the opposite of “don’t dead open inside”? This works both ways.
Alongside this comment was an equally damning comment: “if your past games are competing with your new games then your new games aren’t worth buying in the first place.”
Except it won’t be. The number of people who actually follow their bad practices and care is a rounding error. It was the same with EA and Activision. They treated their customers like scum and people are still on their knees asking for more. It will be no different for Nintendo.
This guy has tanked all of his previous enterprises due to his poor decision making and lack of knowledge. What in their right minds made them think this would be any different?
The fact I had to use iTunes to put music on my phone and the lack of access to the filesystem were extreme deal breakers for me. There is also the impossible hoops you had to jump through to change ownership of a phone. I gave my mother my old iPhone when I changed to Android and it was impossible to scrub my account from it, even with a factory reset.
The environment felt way too sterile for my liking. It treated me, a legitimate tech savvy user, like a malicious imbecile.
If you are told to vote between a rock and four piles of fresh dog poop you are obviously going to vote for the rock.
The DNC is at fault for making the voters choose between a rock and four piles of fresh dog poop.
4 USBC would be cool. Most of these devices only have 2 or 3, minus 1 required for power delivery. If you have peripherals a hub is almost required.
Inaction makes you complicit. Not voting does not give you any moral high ground, especially when one of the people being voted for is a fascist. These people would rather let fascism run free and wait for a golden unicorn instead of making slow and steady progress with imperfect candidates.
At this rate he will never be able to vote.
Trademark generally only applies within the same medium. The point is to prevent confusion between two competing products. A movie and a video game do not overlap.