Manuals are definitely niche now and mainly in sporty cars (Civic SI, Type R, BRZ, Supra, etc).
Manuals are definitely niche now and mainly in sporty cars (Civic SI, Type R, BRZ, Supra, etc).
The existence of one doesn’t preclude the existence of the other.
Feel free to ford any rivers you come across. That never ends poorly.
Was he pied by Bernie Sanders?
I appreciate what Luigi did, but also keep in mind that he believes Tucker Carlson’s great replacement shit. This kid isn’t the Messiah. Just another example of someone supporting the leopard-eating-faces party.
I’ve seen people comparing the DOJ response to Luigi Mangioni and Kyle Shittenhouse. The fact that Rittenhouse is free should tell you everything you need to know.
That’s because their Orange Messiah has promised to ban video games as part of Project 2025.
They don’t want to stop kids having sex. They want to stop them having safe sex. More stupid consumers to buy stuff. More child labor. They’re trying to kill public education, public health (ACA), and other social benefit programs. They want us stupid and dependant on the wealthy for absolutely everything.
It gives me hope that one day when some intelligence agency is combing through my online footprint for a motive, they won’t have to look too hard.
I should update my Goodreads account…
Jesus fucking Christ…
It’s an old reference but it checks out
Hey check out this “both sides bad” centrism over here.
And now the US in 2025
1000 black tomahawks of FREEDOM
Trump’s loyalty/humiliation test
First, you’re going to have to define what poor sound means to you. Modding your closed back headphones to add more speakers isn’t going to make them sound better, but probably worse.
The best way to get better sound is to replace your headphones with better headphones, or to use a better source when playing music. Even better headphones aren’t going to improve the quality of music if you’re playing lossy Mp3s.
I mean you have to take their words seriously because they tell you what they’re going to do. Or at the very least what they want to do.