I don’t post too much Star Trek but it felt particularly relevant ha.
I don’t post too much Star Trek but it felt particularly relevant ha.
Dax: Steamed azna would put years on your life.
Sisko: Dax, I don’t want years on my life, if I can only eat steamed azna.
Something clicked reading this comment and I realized how much my tabletop roleplay matches the way I approach conflict in real life. I always go for high charisma and try to talk down enemies and resolve through dialogue. I’ll usually go for persuasion before deception and intimidation. Likewise I’m super averse to lying and getting in heated arguments in my real life encounters.
This is a good question and your curiosity is appreciated.
A password that has been properly hashed (the thing they do in that Avalanche Effect Wikipedia entry to scramble the original password in storage) can take trillions of years to crack, and each additional character makes that number exponentially higher. Unless the AI can bring that number to less than 90 days - a fairly standard password change frequency for corporate environments - or heck, just less than 100 years so it can be done within the hacker’s lifetime, it’s not really going to matter how much faster it becomes.
The easier method (already happening in fact) is to use an LLM to scan a person’s social media and then reach out to relatives pretending to be that person, asking for bail money, logins etc. If the data is sufficiently locked down, the weakest link will be the human that knows how to get to it.
Well first I divide the word by Eminem.
This just hurts. A whole loving family being thrown under the bus to protect one cop. Therapist sounds like a piece of work too, there should never be unwanted physical contact during therapy. Evil.
Why should anyone listen to anything you have to say and not just block you outright?
Why didn’t you?
Oh that would be poetic. Bury him right next to it.
Meanwhile Starlink’s direct to cell capability is only growing. If your phone has 4G, Starlink knows where it is.
This is all news to me, could someone please elaborate/share some resources?
I don’t know anything about Starlink but I guess I should if it knows anything about me.
Procerus Fuscus Pulcher
I dunno if I’d call it a review so much as a listicle. Also, “Seven” co-op? Does he play the games he recommends?
Also, furries. They like using the stickers.
I have to imagine if it were real we’d have at least 1 other picture, right?
Not sure those are one-to-one. I remember just about every local news station doing the Harlem Shake, but as far as I can tell not one has reenacted the coffin dance (but I’d love to be proven wrong).
Holy shit, can they criticize her on anything of substance? What’s with all these stupid nothing-burger attacks?
“I’m not living, I’m just killing time.”
It really is incredible that we have a way now to fund the jobs that can only be created and performed by a select few individuals. We don’t need a corporation to create the job for us, someone with a specific skill shows up and society says “yeah we need one of those.”