• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • https://www.statista.com/statistics/443063/number-of-immigrants-in-canada/

    You’re lazily conflating immigration and refugee data. It’s a combination of both the Canada is struggling with. Right now. There’s no shortage of analysis or study showing that far too many people are coming to Canada than our system can handle. Even the federal government who is the one who set these policies have started walking them back.

    As someone who hails from a middle Eastern culture and is married to an Iranian refugee, I can say with certainty that the influx of people coming from the places that my wife and I escaped are absolutely causing societal problems for us here in Canada. I’m far from a pull. The ladder up behind me. Kind of guy but I’m also a citizen of this country which is being quite clearly impacted by the oversaturation of new people coming from very small pockets of this planet into Canada. This isn’t being driven by politicians. Both the conservative and the liberal sides of politics in this country are very much pro-immigration due to our inability to maintain our population rates and tax base without it. The people of Canada on the other hand are starting to show more and more discontent with this approach.

  • Canada used to have a strict policy and on some levels still do outside of the programs being instituted to supplement the workforce and to bring refugees in from complex zones, we’ve allowed in over double the previous amount for the past couple of years, under various refugee programs. Going a bit farther back there was a large influx of Syrians (and tasty shwarma!). The canada.ca website details the rapid increase in numbers quite well.

    I would never say that these people move to Canada are not true Canadians because at one point my family got here on a boat and my wife’s family escaped an islamist regime to come here too. We’re both quite Canadian in culture and jean jackets.

    From what I see, many of these problems derive from cultural conflicts that were previously not apparent because while many people knew to a country tend to stick together when they are a true minority, they tend to work to fit in. When you have large waves of people coming at once, there’s no impetus for them to fit in because they can stay within their own cultural confines… As sad as it is to say, some of those cultural confines are very much at odds with the greater Canadian culture.

  • I completely disagree is a bad take. I think you’re overlooking the reality that a right leaning Neo-Nazi has a lot in common with a conservative islamist.

    You see it very clearly in Canada with the push to keep sex education out of classrooms being led by the far right PPC party and huge swaths of recently immigrated people from the middle East and Indian subcontinent. They use different methods but they have the same goals ultimately.

  • The rise of right-wing in Europe can be directly attributed to the massive influx of right-wing conservative ideologues from the middle East pouring in.

    I’m a huge proponent of immigration, but what we’re seeing here is the backlash of immigration done incredibly poorly.

    There will be articles for years that tap dance around with us, but if you listen to the people who are voting for right-wing assholes, it’s pretty clear why they’re doing it and what they’re saying. The Press has been bullied into avoiding talking about it though under the guise of islamophobia.

  • S_204@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldgotdamn
    3 months ago

    Come on. Have you seen what’s going on on college campuses right now? I’ve heard far less serious things being said with absolute sincerity.

    We’re reaching the point where victimhood is the only trait people aspire to achieve.

  • Can we take a minute to appreciate the bookstore that this is happening at?

    It’s called McNally Robinson. It’s based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. It has previously expanded into places like New York city, but I believe now only operates out of Winnipeg .

    It is a phenomenal bookstore that does wonders for local artists giving them platforms they otherwise would not get.

    Great story all around.

    ETA, I’d recognize that logo anywhere, been driving by it my whole life.

  • I’m literally claiming reality. Scuttling an invitation from the speaker of the House is absolutely stifling free speech. I’ve never made the claim. It’s a constitutional violation you’d have to be in absolute moron to interpret my comment that way.

    There are many ways to stifle Free speech. I see people making that claim regarding the chance for intifada college campuses. Being an expression of free speech. I’m amused and fascinated by the people claiming that shutting down an encampment that’s calling for in intifada which is unquestionably. A violent action is stifling Free speech. Well they have issues with a politician being invited to speak before Congress.

  • The reasoning is abundantly clear. The speaker of the House quite literally by definition is in charge of who speaks before the house. Undermining and subverting the invitation of someone to speak before Congress is absolutely limiting free speech before the American public.

    That you’re trying to make this a legal argument, proves to me that you understand the problem here. I’m not claiming this is a legal issue. This is a moral issue and the Democrats who constantly claim moral superiority have lost credibility with this action. If they have a problem with what a foreign leader has to say then they should take to the floor with a rebuttal. Well, over half of Americans support this particular Ally. American people have jobs that are entirely independent on the support of this. Ally. Throwing a hissy fit and refusing to allow someone of that stature to speak before Congress is a very sad demonstration of weakness.

    Holding people at the border and arresting peaceful protesters are also examples of stifling Free speech. Both can be true regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum. It’s wild to me watching liberals turning into the scaredy cats that they claim. The conservatives are with actions like this. Hardly progressive.