PGP key fingerprint: 5D5E 08A2 389D F225 ABD0 781B 291E 0C22 9D63 1697

  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • AFAIK Trocador was getting DDoSed. They said they set up Cloudflare temporarily. They are looking for a better solution.

    Some messages from

    Hey there! We were under a heavy ddos attack, so we moved to CF temporarily to help our defenses. As soon as it’s over we’ll get out of cloudflare. We apologize for the inconvenience, we are looking into alternatives for the next time we suffer a bigger attack like this

    [From Tuesday]: We literally moved there 16:00 UTC as a contingency, so it’s not even 24 hours yet. We are looking into alternatives for next time a massive DDoS happens

  • An economist, a chemist, and an engineer were stranded on a desert island. And between them they had only a single can of beans, but no can opener.

    The engineer suggested that he climb a palm tree to a precise height, then throw the beans a precise distance at a precise angle. ‘And when the can hits,’ he said, ‘it will split open.’

    ‘No,’ said the chemist. ‘We’ll leave the can in the sun until the heat causes the beans to expand so much the can will explode.’

    ‘Nonsense,’ said the economist. ‘Using either method we’d lose too many beans. According to my plan, there will be no mess or fuss and not a single bean will be lost.’ Well, the engineer and the chemist said, ‘We’re certainly willing to consider it. What’s your plan?’ And the economist answered, ‘Well, first assume we have a can opener.’"

    In economics, the devil is in the assumptions. It is the responsibility of the reader of an economic model to understand what the assumptions are and their implications, and decide for him/herself if the assumptions are reasonable and useful, “All models are wrong, but some are useful”, after all.

    I agree with you that the assumption of coin loss being a function of total coins in the supply is…doing a lot of work in this model. IMHO, this is an interesting intellectual exercise, but its connection to reality or anything that people really care about in their daily lives is not very strong.

  • Right. As far as I know, a LLM will not give you a proper source if you ask it how it knows some information. A website found through a search engine will have a source for its info (or it’s probably unreliable if it has no sources).

    You as a human being have a right and responsibility to know the source of information and use your reasoning abilities to decide if the source is reliable. An LLM interrupts this process. I don’t understand how people are absorbing information without sources or a way to critically think about if the information may be accurate.

  • Where are all the WOMEN standing up for private digital cash?

    In my MoneroKon talk this weekend I will be analyzing data on cryptocurrency investment and use as payment: According to EU and US data, men definitely get more involved in cryptocurrency, but the gender divide is more lopsided in investment activities than payment activities. In other words, women are less likely to use cryptocurrency as a means of payment than men, but they are much less like to buy cryptocurrency as an investment than men.

    You could interpret that as “the way to get women interested in peer-to-peer electronic cash is to focus on it as a means of payment instead of as an investment.” Or the opposite: “Women investing in cryptocurrency is a relatively unexplored market segment!” Anything else you want analyzed, you have about 12 hours to ask before I finalize the analysis.