Meep :3
They/Them, also “It” when a critter I like is being cute ior affectionate about it :3 Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp
Hates this world, hates being stuck in it. Needs rescuing, needs understanding. Not happening. Only misery and extension of said misery happening.

  • 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2023


  • Sounds super cool :o … Am still kinda salty about M$ blocking my account and holding my copy of Minecraft (that I paid Mojang for, well before it was Microsoft’s!) hostage because they want my phone number, though. 😠

    … Also I kinda wanna know if it’s got the moddage I love about Minecraft, but am afraid to ask because I’m stuck on a laptop that can’t really run much without getting all melty 😅

  • Only connections under five bits per second? Whew, where do you even get one! Seems near useless… ;P I assume that’s some kinda typo, at the least.

    Kinda curious about the tech, though. If it’s not bullshit it could be interesting. … Though how they’re gonna do much at five bits per second… gonna fill up a ton of memory quick unless it’s just for tiny messages and load-balances very well. Actually, this just smells worse and worse as I think about it. Hmmmmm. Will have to poke my snoot in there when I get home. 🤔

  • [Very sarcasm] Noooo, don’t feed the poors hot food! They’ll, uhh, Idunno, it’s like feeding gremlins after midnight or something! Probably!

    So I just got my EBT card and I’ma go use it tomorrow. Will hopefully get to have some variety and even snacks! Woo! Hopefully the cash assistance thingle comes through too or I’ma get scared again 😅 😰 … Dunno why I’m saying any of this here. Hi! Hello. It’s good that somecritters are working around dickish law :3

  • KeriKitty (They(/It))*Permanently Deleted*
    2 months ago

    I think licensing may have something to do with it. A proprietary licence will typically prohibit decompilation so if you do it, you’re in violation of the licence. Whether that’s enforceable… Idunno. Often just writing a rule down will make people averse to testing it. Software under a non-proprietary licence probably comes with the source code to begin with, so there’s no need. This leaves a relatively small useful area for this technique, where people either don’t mind being in potential legal trouble (or just losing their licence to use a particular piece of software) or are interested in a specific few pieces of software that don’t offer source but allow sortof digging it out of the binary directly.