RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Man I dream of a home gym. Our little split level ranch is so tight on space, it’s very frustrating. During covid I was working out at home. Adjustable dumbbells and a bench before they spiked in price. But we also had our first kid during the pandemic and that complicated things. Its hard. By the time I’m home and picked up the kids it’s 5:30. Kid 1 has after daycare activities one day a week. My SO is going back to school one day a week. The weekends are pretty packed. Its a lot. Kid2 isn’t walking yet so he needs to have an eye on him.

    Supper sets are a good idea though. But I’m likely going to need to get creative and try to squeeze more time in through out the week too.

  • I used to come home and work out for a time too. Space is a premium in our home though and with 2 kids there is even less of it. There is no space I could use that also let’s me be unseen if you will. I like the solitude of working out, and I know the kids at this age will be way to curious about what I’m doing lol. That feels weird to say, but man, being crammed into a small house, with a shoe box bathroom and an open floor plan, it’s like a panopticon at times lol. I shit with the door wide open more then I do with the door shut at this point.

    I have a bench and a nice set of bow flex adjustable dumbbells and an adjustable kettle bell. I’ve literally thought about keeping the kettle bell in my car and just using it before or after work. There is a dude who takes his kid to the park and literally jogs while they hit the playground.

    But you’re right about the frequency. I think I can justify leaving the office most days to do some walking near by. I work at a school and it’s pretty chill as long as things are getting done.

    I just have to think creatively I guess.

  • I hear you. I think what I might do too is leave work for maybe 20min a day and just walk. There is a small pond just off the property the town maintains with a walking trail around it. I might be able to get in early some days for that as well.

    Work is pretty chill and can afford me that time during the day. I mean, shit, what got me into lifting was going to the community center gym on our lunch brake with part of the team to lift (including my boss, he’s great). The super at the time squashed that after about a year though.

  • It would be the death of this side of the federated internet. The amount of content it would generate once federated would crush existing servers. You would have to defederate or face near instant storage shortages. The federated que would take years to sync.

    Anyway, it wouldn’t happen because they would need to transmit real vote counts instead of fuzzy vote counts. You would be able to see how every single person on reddit voted. Which would simply expose the vote manipulation going on there.

  • You are the one who lacks focus. This chain stared from this comment:

    blocks appear to be part of a crackdown on internal dissent in both countries.

    Or… you know… at least for Venezuela, the USA constantly fucking around with their elections and politics and local assets using Signal or something. Maybe, I dunno?

    Do nation states have the right to defend themselves from foreign interference in their elections? What actions should a nation state take to ensure the security of its elections? What actions should a nation state take to combat misinformation spreading about their elections?

    Based on your previous comments it sounds like you believe a nation should do nothing.

  • When preserving “democracy” is the excuse to not be Democratic, something is wrong.

    Ah there it is. Its only Democracy if it comes from the democracy region of the west. Got it. Venezuela has one of the most robust voting systems in the world. Requires voter finger prints, signatures, national ID cards, and has paper ballot verifications. Meanwhile elections in America can be decided by some elite cobal system established in the 18th century by rich property owners for the explicit intention of disregarding the will of its people to favor the property class.