You don’t win a nuclear war.
You don’t win a nuclear war.
Hah! I must’ve accepted to override spellchecker. I. Feel. Stupid.
Are we at the point where we’re being sued for our opinions? Our thoughts? Because fact is fact. It can not be disputed if it is the actual truth that anyone can actually see and verify. Oh, I get it. It’s rich people suing poor people because the US legal system favors the wealthy.
The righteous shall become wicked, and the wicked shall become righteous. But remember, there is always fluxx. There is always a state of change. Oscillations and vibrations that, though there are small, shall have great effect over the whole.
Over, and over, and over…
Edited: I can not spell
Oh, definitely. And then there’s the ever-present continuous attempt to influence national elections by each country over the other.
Another example of how he is literally breaking the law.
Good. Fuck rich people.
We accused russia of interfering with US elections, and it had been Elon Musk this whole time. Now Elon Musk is trying to interfere in German elections.
I want everything I say from now on to be hyperbole. Sarcastic disgusting telling it like it is hyperbolic metaphor. Oozing with contempt. Spiteful contempt.
Rich vs. the poor. Always has been, always will be.
It always has. How much do these guys get paid publishing this stuff?
Do not kill yourself. That will be a waste of life. Take out as many wealthy people as you can first before they stop you…
Everyone who is semi intelligent knew this was going to happen. People need to quit acting like theybare surprised. It’s going to get worse, and the only people protected are rich white people who suck up to evil. Even then you’re not safe. Bumpler was good friends with Epstein until Epstein bought a piece of property that krumpler wanted. That’s why they stopped being friends. It wasn’t the sex trafficking that turned him away.
I agree with him. We should make every person, no matter if they were born here and no matter how long someone has been alive, take a citizenship test, and if you can’t pass it, you get deported. Since they will no longer be a citizen of any country, just float them on a barge out at sea. I don’t care if you’re 90 years old, and your family history dates back to the mayflower. You get tested, and if you fail, you get set adrift. I hope I can pass that test.
I thought there was an understanding of infinite timelines already. You can never change your past. As soon as you do, it is no longer “your” past. It is now another you’s past. That’s why time travel is useless unless it’s not you changing your past.
I will never forget. And remember, kids, all he needs is one.
The President of the United States is anti American. Let that sink in.
Let’s not downplay this. These oversensitive pussies are just weak. This is just a sign of weakness. Careful everyone, being transgender threatens their very being. A gang of weak pussies.
Ahh, corporate hypocrisy:
Ever hear of the browser extension “HONEY?” Paypal has been stealing infuencers money through the browser extension honey.
Everything made and done by China is for the CCP. That’s how we know it’s malicious. Xi has clearly stated that.