Carmine Bruzi (pen name), a writer from Milan, Italy, with a strange obsession for dragons. Has written dragon stories under since 2016. When he’s not trying to figure out how they could coexist with humans, he is often somewhere in the mountains.
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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023
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I’ve used pCloud for three years. Initially it is a lot, especially if you’re not sure if you will commit to them, but if you do, you have one less hidden big expenditure masked as subscription, which nowadays is valuable. I wish they released their Linux version through Flatpak and not Appimage, though
I’ve used pCloud for three years. Initially it is a lot, especially if you’re not sure if you will commit to them, but if you do, you have one less hidden big expenditure masked as subscription, which nowadays is valuable. I wish they released their Linux version through Flatpak and not Appimage, though