AKA, every accusation is a confession
AKA, every accusation is a confession
Conservatives have a heightened fear response so that tracks
Brought to you by the Dairy Council
Ya got that backwards. The Poor Pay More is a real thing and a documentary movie title if you’d like to enlighten yourself.
It’s super handy on my X1c 6thgen when my trackpad randomly freezes about once a month and I need to shut everything down and reboot. Bah.
Open to tips for fixing the trackpad if anyone has that on their radar!
Beans are cheaper
And magical fruit
A finger is AKA a digit
Might be that cheap because ruble is in the trash
Somewhat true but this won’t happen overnight and the power companies will upgrade capacity to meet the needs over time
Which formulation of iodine is the one to get?
Wouldn’t call them left wing though. Just reality based.
Akschully eaten and snorted by cocaine bear
Nice thought but unfortunately it still supports new tesla sales by propping up the secondary market.
*Salmoned just so!
(perch are too freshwater for this trend)
I’m sure the new orange flavored head will get right on it
Moscow Mitch took hundreds of millions in Russian ‘investments’ for I think an aluminum plant.
He’s dirty as fuck and just needed a call from his handler to remind him which way to vote on that.
It’s hitting 50x unhealthy levels now
No going back after engorging on unrestricted internet porn
What’s Tesla’s fire rate per million miles?
And an ‘average fire rate of 1.5 crashes per million miles’ is unclear.
What’s the distinction between crashes and fires here? Is like to make sense of the stats.
Questionable approach since a cheap ‘surge protector’ could very well start a fire