In a “communist utopia”, we’d probably have the means to require less sleep and to stop aging (with how quickly tech is advancing I wouldn’t be surprised). Thus, you’d have more time to game.
Even the early socialism of the 1936 Soviet constitution limited the working day to 7 hours with plans from Stalin to further shorten it. Everyone being guaranteed a job means less work required from individuals (and higher purchasing power because the price of goods will fall as they become easier and quicker to make). So, your free time may still go up.
In a “communist utopia”, we’d probably have the means to require less sleep and to stop aging (with how quickly tech is advancing I wouldn’t be surprised). Thus, you’d have more time to game.
Even the early socialism of the 1936 Soviet constitution limited the working day to 7 hours with plans from Stalin to further shorten it. Everyone being guaranteed a job means less work required from individuals (and higher purchasing power because the price of goods will fall as they become easier and quicker to make). So, your free time may still go up.