Lol definitely me in middle school and onward. Never got in trouble for it though which was neat after reading through this thread.
Lol definitely me in middle school and onward. Never got in trouble for it though which was neat after reading through this thread.
Sheeeeit I’ll do your brakes for you. Brakes is easy and satisfying.
Thank you. That’s one of my little pet peeves I see online; that and when people are trying to say lose but type loose.
Maaan, I had so many different skins for my Winamp player. Was such a great time to be on the internet. It was open and anonymous and had yet to be fully commercially exploited.
Thank you. This is just a reaction shitty people can have regardless of gender. If their fragile ego can’t handle a rejection they go to anger and insults immediately. So bizarre.
Lmao yeah that’s exactly what I meant to say. That’s what I get for hastily trying to browse my phone at work XD
Wasn’t that the opening scene to Inception Tenet?
Going in completely dark like that can be so damn good. That was how I watched From Dusk till Dawn for the first time. Also Barbarian another great one to go in totally blind.