Yes, dying from the most dangerous of human endeavors: small talk.
Yes, dying from the most dangerous of human endeavors: small talk.
Seems to be the cover art for the song “Lose”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYjjPjR_VxA
You missed the start of all this: https://lemmy.ml/post/24811284
I shot the mailbox again, on purpose.
That line gets me every time.
“Till” and “until” are separate words despite having the same meaning. This meaning of “till” is actually the older word.
There are several easter eggs that still work. A few of my favorites:
“Comic of the Apes”, though their site seems to be down.
Later: Let’s fly our shuttle down and fire energy weapons around a pre-warp civilization. No biggie.
Cheers. Every weeknight, walking down the hallway to the sound of “Making your way in the world today takes everything you’ve got…”
Did everyone responding to you miss the FrenWorld drama at Reddit a few years back? It was thinly-veiled racism disguised as friendly comics. It was finally banned for both that and glorifying violence.
I think it’s because they’re quoting her use of the word. But I agree it’s almost indistinguishable from scare quotes when used around a single word like that.
Don’t forget the title music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8TmIxHSBcU
FYI you can trim 80% of that. https://www.amazon.com/LEXiBOOK-Educational-Activities-Mathematics-Dactylography/dp/B0B6HKB3JF/ Amazon sure loves its tracking data.
It was both countries, sadly.
They’re probably misinterpreting “1%” for the more economic meaning it often has.