Yea he’s possibly trying to get more people to buy into his stupid cryptocoin
Yea he’s possibly trying to get more people to buy into his stupid cryptocoin
Why betting on stocks to fail is allowed in the US and elsewhere is beyond me, it always leads to this type of rich people trying to game the system to get even richer at the cost of everyone else around them. It’s a sign that the wealth-concentration and inequality is out of control + captured the mechanisms that should be regulating and preventing this from happening altogether.
They didn’t want to participate in warcrimes.
Everybody knows shit’s fucked, no need to rub it in by stating the obvious.
A lot of it is just trolls and bots sowing discord and sabotaging any debate.
@title: A smart person would limit exposure and stick around to not have to find out.
4,776,706 voters were wrongly purged from voter rolls according to US Elections Assistance Commission data.
3.24 million new registrations were rejected or not entered on the rolls in time to vote.
Disgraceful tactics for a so called democracy, make it so difficult to vote that people yearn for simpler times with a king putting them to work and telling them to shut up.
The fact that even if all the non-voters voted for a mix of third parties, it would still net the same result under this system, tells you all you need to know about FPTP.
That together with the fact that people have been warning about this accident waiting to happen ever since the airport was built.
iirc it was not just to troll rusians, it was because it was found kalinin was a murderous psycho killing a lot of poles for the red army.
Fight for better more fair representation, secession solves nothing.
True as it may be, but when the majority don’t bother you’ve got to acknowledge something is up, reform is necessary.
The taft-hartley act already subdued them.
“Be careful how you treat people when you’re on top, they’re the ones you need to catch you if you fall”
That’s what he wants, he’s all about the bitcoin and his own versions of it.
Nutter in a cult says what? Remember rusian bots are raping language like this to lose all meaning online.
Fight for age limits for your politicians.
You can fix this issue if you right-click the sound icon down in the corner of your screen and choose “sounds” from the list. Then in the first tab in the window that opens up you can find and disable the monitor as a sound device from being used and defaulted to at random on startup.