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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • There’s a fundamental flaw in your premise. If we envision a world where everything is EVs, very little of it will be DCFC. Instead, level 2 chargers will be everywhere. Think of what you see in parking garages, except much more of it. Your car spends almost all of its life parked. You also (probably) rarely drive more in a day than the battery can hold.

    Level 2 chargers are simple and low maintenance. They also end up being cheaper for everyone involved. These are already very profitable ventures, but they don’t exist much at dedicated charging locations. Instead, they are and will be at places that people park for extended periods.

    DCFC will mostly be along freeways for longer trips, and a limited number within a city for things like delivery drivers.

  • How close are these surrounding towns? What’s the population, particularly for the demographics you would appeal to?

    Often, it’s not worthwhile to bring your favorite culture to your home. Just go to the culture where it already exists. Often, these quiet, boring places are populated by people that WANT to live in a place that’s quiet and boring. It doesn’t make much sense for anyone to move there if they don’t.

  • Just when trying to guess someone’s age (we’ll assume completely family-friendly and above board), think back to high school. How old did you and your peers look? Now go take a look at high schoolers today. They probably seem a lot younger than you did. The longer it’s been (i.e. the older you are), the younger they look. Which means, “when I see it” depends entirely on the age of the viewer.

    This isn’t even just about perception and memory- modern style is based on/influenced heavily by youth. It’s also continuing to move in the direction. This is why actors in their 30s - with carefully managed hair, skin, makeup, and wardrobe - have been able to convincingly portray high schoolers. This means that it’s not just you - teens really are looking younger each year. But they’re still the same age.

  • This creates a significant legal issue - AI generated images have no age, nor is there consent.

    The difference in appearance between age 16 and 18 is minimal, but the legal difference is immense. This is based entirely on a concept that cannot apply.

    How do you define what’s depicting a fictional child? Especially without including real adults? I’ve met people who believe that preferring a shaved pubic area is pedophilia. This is even though the vast majority of adult women do so. On the flip side, teenagers from the 70s and 80s would be mistaken for 40+ today.

    Even the extremes aren’t clear. Adult star “Little Lupe”, who was 18+ in every single appearance, lacked most secondary sex characteristics. Experts testified in court that she could not possibly be an adult. Except she was, and there’s full documentation to prove it. Would AI trained exclusively on her work be producing CSAM?