That feels incredibly off. Bitcoin is around 100k now while back then it topped out at ~65k or so?
That feels incredibly off. Bitcoin is around 100k now while back then it topped out at ~65k or so?
It pays to commit war crimes, including not only the war crimes that Hamas committed during the October 7th massacre, but by firing thousands of missiles into Israel, every one of them a war crime.
And all the missiles into Gaza are not? This shit is so gross.
I’ve heard a statistic that goes something like: If you were to just not exist, you would only save about 1 second worth of emissions globally. Whatever individual action you do to reduce emissions from your lifestyle only go so far.
And like others have mentioned, there are the other, less legal forms of direct action.
If it was that normalized, a lot of the phrasing would have a lot more slang and simpler terminology.
I’m just giving a basic example of people being motivated outside of money. There are other lines of work that are easier or pay better or both.
Why do people become teachers in the US? Certainly isn’t “for the money”.
Alright, if they’re having a romp in the afterlife in some capacity, they aren’t ghosts. There’s a kind of underlying implication they’re sticking around for some worldly purpose or reason. Often this is used for metaphor about moving on in your life (or rather afterlife).
I’m pretty sure this post is designed to kill the soul. I am made slightly worse for witnessing this abortion of an implementation and I will never be quite the same again.
At least in windows, the hosts file can point from any domain to any IP. In theory you can do things like point advertising domains to if you wanted to make sure web requests never made it off your local machine. I did this a lot back in the day to test websites running locally but pointed to a friendlier name than localhost:randomport
For a second I thought that 9 ton amount was for a single hippo and was shocked.
I’ve had far less obnoxious people in deadlock compared to Dota. There was some smart decisions to have fewer defined “roles” and less emphasis on having one or a few players pop off with all the resources.
The game itself is so solid, has good balance, the movement and abilities are fun… It’s good. Some people are going to get annoying and sweaty in a comparative snowbally team game. I like to thank them for making my games a win-win. Either I get to win the game, or my obnoxious teammate gets to lose.
I too hate the average g*mer but I’m not going to let them steal my enjoyment.
I’m glad you’re finding amusement in other people’s struggle with drug addiction.
“You see, I have depicted you as the Soyjak and me as the Chad. I am very smart.”
Try writing your backend with browser limitations and see what kind of wild wrappers you make to keep yourself sane.
The initial numbers made it look like they lost a bunch. It seemed like misinformation.