You get to know regulars. Sometimes teachers sit in and grade. When it’s slower, you can make small talk. I’m not sure if it’s a thing with Starbucks but I know a lot of places offer teacher discounts if they show school ID, so maybe that’s another avenue for it.
My best friend and a few other friends used to be teachers but they all quit because it’s such a shitty, thankless job. Just like with nurses, the fact that they care so much gets exploited by way of paying much less and demanding more hours out of them.
Yeah but stupid people are plentiful and overly confident that they can spitball a better idea for solving the problem than literal experts with decades of expertise can because “they’re too close to the problem” or “they’re paid off by big [fill in the blank] to gum up any progress” or whatever. They just don’t believe in complicated solutions or complicated problems because most people aren’t doing anything particularly complicated with their lives. Incurious people aren’t interested in any explanations or nuance.