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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 4th, 2024

  • Yeah but stupid people are plentiful and overly confident that they can spitball a better idea for solving the problem than literal experts with decades of expertise can because “they’re too close to the problem” or “they’re paid off by big [fill in the blank] to gum up any progress” or whatever. They just don’t believe in complicated solutions or complicated problems because most people aren’t doing anything particularly complicated with their lives. Incurious people aren’t interested in any explanations or nuance.

  • You get to know regulars. Sometimes teachers sit in and grade. When it’s slower, you can make small talk. I’m not sure if it’s a thing with Starbucks but I know a lot of places offer teacher discounts if they show school ID, so maybe that’s another avenue for it.

    My best friend and a few other friends used to be teachers but they all quit because it’s such a shitty, thankless job. Just like with nurses, the fact that they care so much gets exploited by way of paying much less and demanding more hours out of them.

  • I was actually targeting a 7800XT on an AM4 build already lol!

    Yeah, it’s just hard to justify the cost when I already have a PS5 and not a whole lot of free time. It makes more sense to wait until the next generation of consoles comes out and then get something that runs games at that time at 1440p, 60+fps. Right now I’d just be building a lateral system for no real reason, pretty late in the current gen lifecycle.

  • I don’t think I’ve even heard of that, so I’ll look into it a bit more. I was leaning more toward an AMD build since that tends to play nicely with Linux compared to Intel/Nvidia. And there were a couple of distros I was interested in trying on my old laptop to compare before committing.

  • MrVilliam@lemm.eetolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldWhats his problem?
    4 days ago

    Agreed, but if I’d had the money at the time, I absolutely would’ve jumped at the steam machine and steam controller. I want a modern one now more than ever. If it weren’t for parts getting shittier and pricier, I’d probably build one myself this spring/summer and figure out which distro would be best for it. My steam deck is great and I want basically the exact same thing but more powerful at the cost of not being a handheld. Bonus points if I can easily remote play that new steam machine through my steam deck, which I think is a reasonable expectation. And I’d love to run an HDMI out splitter to easily swap between using it as a PC at my desk or using it as a console from my couch.

  • For political disagreements, be wary of fruitless endeavors. 20 replies back and forth are pointless. Most of the time, my goal isn’t to change that person’s mind; it’s to be the voice of disagreement so that others can either be exposed to my views and their rationalization or so that others who silently agree with me can see that these views aren’t unpopular. After enough time passes, I tend to state that I’m disengaging because it’s no longer going to catch the eye of many of these people.

    In general, be courteous. Most people aren’t assholes. Some people will have a bad day and maybe will take it out in you, but gently asking them to be courteous and not take their bad day out on you usually spurs some introspection and improves the interaction. If it doesn’t, then they’re really not mature enough to further engage with. Respect yourself and don’t allow anybody excessive opportunity to ruin your day.

  • $90k is absolutely life changing for most people. That’s a down payment on a house plus moving costs and upgrading appliances and furniture. That’s the difference between poverty and living comfortably. If that’s not life changing for you, then I’m not sure you’re familiar with the struggle, in which case I strangely both pity you and envy you.

    Sure you’re not gonna buy a mansion with $90k, but you could go from renting a shithole apartment in a shithole town to owning a home in a decent area with access to better employment to sustain a much higher quality of life. $90k is a ticket to escaping geographical and financial shackles.

  • The consequences of trump will have residual effects. The damage cannot be undone in one fell swoop. The country is a big boat and it takes a long fucking time to change directions even if you immediately start steering it the other way.

    Then there’s the whole topic of friends and allies wondering if we can be trusted in the long term. Why make deals with us if we’re gonna just elect a stupid asshole who will reneg on anything and everything that isn’t immediately beneficial to that specific person? A lot of countries likely considered drastic changes to policy with us, but decided to hold off until the 2020 election, and then breathed a sigh of relief when we didn’t reelect the dipshit. Fast forward four short years and see that we went back to the dipshit despite all obvious, available information saying that only a fucking moron who is trying to summon the end of the world would allow such a thing; would you trust a country that elected trump, took a break from him, and then elected him back in again? This really isn’t about lackluster democrats and their performance in elections; would you want to make long term plans with a person who was so chaotic? Denmark won’t forget us openly considering taking Greenland by force. Panama won’t forget us talking about taking the canal. Canada won’t forget us talking about annexing them. The EU won’t forget the tariffs. Mexico won’t forget the deportations. We’re alienating ourselves, burning through all of our political capital like trump burns through every business venture. He will fuck every relationship up and the dollar will be fucking worthless as a result if he doesn’t just fucking stop.

    I legitimately have zero clue what the country and the world in general look like four years from now, but I can tell you that it will be bad and the bleeding will take years to stop and decades to heal. Even if this stopped today, Pandora’s box is open. If trump died on the toilet today, vance would continue what’s happening.

    The entire line of succession isn’t even the problem. The experiment is over. Oligarchs and their pet autocrat run everything and they’re not interested in what you have to say about it. If they decide to just suspend all elections and appoint all elected offices and consolidate all power to the executive, what can really be done to stop it? It would take a revolution, but the bastard cops have fucking tanks with which to kill us all. No other country will come to help us because our military is far more advanced than all others and we’re geographically very easy to defend. Our own country has us by the balls and the twisting is just getting started.

    I wish I could be so optimistic as to believe that things could be okay in four years. A lot of people will be deported and/or killed before then, so even if it did end up being okay for you or me, that’s still gonna be too late for them.

  • MrVilliam@lemm.eetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldthe glizzy king slaps back 🌭🌭
    19 days ago

    Thanks to capitalism and the modern internet, we’re able to see an edgelord tween-brained incel billionaire call another billionaire fat in response to the fat billionaire implying that the incel billionaire is a nazi, all from the comfort of my toilet!

    Maybe the Amish were right all along. Maybe we should reject these evils and form self-sufficient, small communities and subsist off of the land and the simple labors we can achieve with nothing more than simple tools. We can collaborate instead of distantly bickering. Algorithmically, modernity is rewarding the worst behaviors and attitudes, usually with money and/or attention. Only the worst of us is doing well under these systems, and these systems are only teaching us to be worse, so why are we working so hard to keep it? Are humans already too far gone? Are there too few decent folks left, or have the many already grown too indecent? Without changing course, where are we as a species in 100 years? Where were we 100 years ago? What the fuck are we doing that we allowed billionaires to exist in the first place, but beyond that we have also allowed a virtual town square to exist and be owned by one of them so we could witness him publicly insult a billionaire that he doesn’t like. And this is getting more eyeballs than people in your town out on the streets through no fault of their own, freezing to death overnight.

    If there were a god, he would’ve turned his back on us in shame a long time ago. No god worth worshiping would’ve allowed us to be so monstrous. If we were made in the image of some god, then that god must be some Eldritch horror that harms and consumes endlessly at all costs either ignorantly or through fabricated justification in order to feel pride and not guilt for these atrocities.

    But hey, at least I’ve got this nifty bidet toilet seat. So I guess it was all worth it in the end. /s

  • I’ve had my Earfun Air Pro 3 earbuds since like July and I like them okay. Currently on sale for $76. I used to eat in front of my TV in the living room even when alone, but now I just sit at the dining table and pop these in. Especially with Vanced YouTube. The ads on the PS5 YouTube app became obtrusive to the point that I just don’t use it anymore. I’ll also pop these in while doing chores around the house. They pair to my phone and Steam Deck without issue.

    I had other earbuds before this that were about $35 but not noise cancelling. They fell out of my pocket while I was out of town, so I splurged on something that would sound better, and I’m happy with them for the price point and form factor.

  • Now how exactly do you suppose this gets enforced? Because I’m betting it involves some creep being the authorized inspector of children’s genitals. I’m sure nobody will be wielding that sort of role to sexually assault any children. Yep, this is just the perfect kind of policy to enact to protect the children from… checks notes… a “boy” unfairly beating “real girls” at girls’ sports.

    Remember this moment when swaths of stories about sexually abused children come out. I’m sure those stories will come out within a couple years of a bunch of stories about how girls’ sports are suddenly seeing record low participation numbers “for some reason”.

    The horrifying statistics on the percentage of women who have been the victim of rape or attempted rape in their lifetime will be going up significantly as a direct result of this kind of legislation. Even if there were any real justification for actively discriminating against trans people, how could anybody ever be on board with this kind of direct consequence? What a disgrace.

  • I wonder if this bill is important enough to Senate Republicans to be the catalyst for rewriting filibuster rules. I’m sure they’ll have no problem doing away with the filibuster the moment it becomes inconvenient to their power grabs, and that would be their right as the majority party, but it’s the hypocrisy that pisses me off. Just like when they blocked a SCOTUS nomination in an election year, but had zero hesitation to ram their own SCOTUS nomination through a month before the election four years later.