He is somewhat right about the ethics of true crime content, but that has nothing to do with him reporting lies as fact.
The better play would’ve been to be upfront with everything being fictional, then go all in - make stories about prisoners using wormholes to smuggle in contraband, or a vampire hunter accidentally killing an innocent human.
If Paul did something like that, he could have kept the channel and made his argument on there to a much wider audience. But maybe this idea would be too much effort for someone who makes AI slop…
can’t wait to sink my teeth into that game… right after I finally get around to getting better PC parts
tried the demo and the framerate was noticeably bad even after messing about with the settings
I mainly blame myself for putting up with Intel integrated graphics until now, but then again, putting “texture quality” below “very high” removes the characters’ pupils, so maybe the game’s just poorly optimised 🤷